18 June

Juni 18, 2018 | Claret mit dir

The good communicant compares well to the iron rod that is placed into the forge where it becomes fire. Yes the soul who is a good communicant is purified. The fire takes away from the iron the slag, the natural coldness, the hardness, and becomes so soft that it melts and conforms to the shape given by the designer. So does the fire of divine love, in the forge of the communion, to the soul that receives it well and frequently”
Carta ascética… al presidente de uno de los coros de la Academia de San Miguel. Barcelona 1862, p. 30


The Eucharistic experience of Fr. Claret was an experience of intimate union with Jesus in Mystical love. Since his first communion, he cultivated that personal contact with Jesus-Eucharist, experience „of fire“ that will constantly strengthen the relationship. Consequently, he will make his own, the Pauline expression (cf. Gal 2,20) “ Live with the life of Jesus Christ” In possessing me He possesses nothing, and I possess everything in him.(Aut 754) “Receive communion well and frequently” is for Claret a meeting between the fire and the iron bar, the bar that Jesus purifies, takes away the slag and cures its natural coldness.
The invitation „do this in remembrance of me“ leads us to proclaim the death of Jesus until he comes (cf. 1Cor 11.26). This death is the manifestation of the love of the Father towards humanity; and the Eucharistic proclamation bears witness to that love manifested in Jesus. Those who prolong this love through faith, through forgiveness, through the warm welcome of their brothers, etc. must thank God who has poured out his love into their hearts (Rm 5,5) and has trained them to be his witnesses.
This being the normal effect of the Eucharist, we must ask ourselves whether it actually produces this in the personal life of those who share communion every day. If not, it must be because routine distracts from the normal revitalising effect of Communion. Participation in the Eucharist should never become mere compliance with a directive, but above all the intimate communication with Jesus who gives his life for the sake of God his father and for the good of humanity. Communion is not correct without the whole hearted choice of the plan of God and his children, as Jesus did.
Does your daily participation in the Eucharist cause you to deepen your loving relationship with Jesus and ‘to relinquish yourself’ like Him for your brothers?



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