15 July

Juli 15, 2018 | Claret mit dir

“The soul that with meditation does not rise up with the wings of faith to the creator of these things, who is more beautiful than these things as we read in the sacred book of Wisdom; the soul for whom prayer has never provided (because it has not done it) the anticipated delight of the infinite heavenly joys, it is unprotected against the attractions of the earthly beauties; going from one idol to another, it ends up adoring everything except God
Carta ascética… al presidente de uno de los coros de la Academia de San Miguel, Barcelona 1862, p. 25


What are the idols of our time? What are the idols of today? We can affirm with every confidence that they are there all through humanity: pride, money, pleasure at any cost. There are many people who think and boast of their practical atheism, “We are born to enjoy the most of this world, without moral or social shackles. We are free and we can do as we want”. That is why the best thing for them is to be surrounded with idols without thinking about God as the only origin, power and aim of their aspirations.
It is nothing but going away from the “why” of our precarious existence in this life. When creating us God paved a way for us, the way towards his own glory, though sometimes it is important to pass through Calvary; and we have to journey in this way which is now and then very steep, but full of faith, confidence and love for the one who created, redeemed and sanctified us.
That´s why it is important to enter into the glorious orbit of the Triune God with a pure and simple heart and mainly with all the desire to be the praise of his glory, to go ahead through the straight path towards the LIFE, towards the total and joyful contemplation of the living and true God.
The Christian who is full of faith, though he may have to face sometimes the way to Calvary, will be always able to rely on the experience of the joyful and closer presence of his God and Lord leaving aside the idols that cannot help him. The one who lives from faith in the Risen Lord will enjoy a serene tranquillity adoring the one true God by loving and serving him with all his being.
Are you still an idolater or are you converted definitively to the God of your joy?



21 December

“I never tired of being in church before the image of Our Lady of the Rosary, and I talked and prayed so trustingly that I was quite sure the Blessed Virgin heard me. I used to imagine a sort of wire running from the image in front of me to its heavenly original....

20 December

“If something pains or disturbs you, suffer it patiently thinking that the Lord has placed it so. If you are able to give alms, do it for the love of God, thinking of the neighbours and particularly in the poor who are the image of Jesus. No day should pass without...

19 December

“With regard to the slanders unleashed against me, I am not sad; I am very happy in the Lord” Carta a D. José Caixal, 10 de marzo de 1865, en EC II, p. 864 FORTITUDE IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY “Fortunate are you, when people insult you...., because you are my disciples”...

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