Rome, Italy. Today, Wednesday, 28 November 2018, the Claretian Family attended the Audience with Pope Francis at the Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican. During the catechesis, a six-year-old Argentinian boy upstaged the Pope which prompted the Pontiff to give an impromptu speech during his speech in Spanish.
“Este chico no puede hablar. Es mudo, pero sabe comunicar, sabe expresarse. Y tiene una cosa que me hizo pensar: es libre, indisciplinadamente libre. Pero es libre. Y me hizo pensar a mí ¿yo soy también libre así delante Dios? Cuando Jesús dice que tenemos que hacernos como niños, nos dice que tenemos que tener la libertad que tiene un niño delante de su padre. Eso creo que nos predicó a todos este chico. Y pidamos la gracia de que pueda hablar” – Pope Francis
(This child cannot speak. He is mute. But he can communicate. He knows how to express himself. And he has something that got me thinking: he is free, free and unruly. But he is free. He made me think of myself, ‘am I also free in front of God?’ When Jesus tells us that we have to be like children, he is telling us that we need to feel free as free as a child feels in front of his parents. I think this is what this child has preached to us all. Let us ask the grace that he may speak.)
And these words kept them silent and made them meditate its message. The Pope greeted the Claretian Family during his greetings in Italian. See video below for the full coverage.
In the afternoon, Fr. Luis Manuel Suárez, CMF of the Claretian Province of Santiago, spoke to them on Vocation Culture highlighting the following aspects: context, vocational culture, vocational animation, go forth and allow to go in. He also talked about Vocation Scheme and its three aspects: the importance of the scheme, how to understand the vocation ministry, an intuition “a treasure to unearth.” As part of the group dynamics, the participants were asked to prepare a vocational video showing some aspect of Claretian consecrated life.
They ended up the day with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
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Full video of the Papal Audience: