Rome. Mary, Mother of the Word, our Lady of Guadalupe, accompanies the last day of the Week attuned to the whole American Continent, especially to Mexico.
At the end of these days of work we had to have a reflection about the pedagogy of the Word in the formative processes; for this reason, both prof. Don Giuseppe Roggia, Salesian, and Fr. Josep Ma. Abella, Superior General of the Claretian Missionaries, were ready to say something about it.
The first speaker centred more directly on the initial formation, presenting some concrete ways according to the different formative stages; the second, presented a Project of permanent formation on encounter with the Word, which the Congregation of the Claretian Missionaries has put into practice for several years under the title “Word-Mission.”
To conclude the Week, its moderator, Fr. Josu M. Alday, addressed to all the participants this question:
What could we take with us that will help us make of the Word a particular commitment? He himself proposed these points:
1. I carry with me the prayer of the Psalmist: “Give me life according to your word.”
2. The challenge of being “living exegesis of the Word” and to seek to be word of the Word.
3. The founders (St. Jerome, St. Romualdus…), in particular, St. Anthony M. Claret, inspired by the Word to be its missionary, and who wants us to be servants of the Word.
4. Making prayer to be a true experience of “encounter•”
5. With the Rule of Life or the Constitutions in my hands.
6. In order to be formed and prepared for the mission.
He ended thanking God for these days of encounter.
May Mary, Mother of the Word, generate her Son in all by the power of the Spirit.