Consecrated Day Celebration at Sanyasa

Feb 6, 2019 | Bangalore, Institutes of Consecrated Life

Bengaluru, India. Sanyasa, the only Institute of Consecrated Life in India, organized a three-day seminar on a theme “Rejoice and Be Glad – Pope Francis’ Call for Holiness of Life: Reflections on the Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate of Pope Francis” from 31st January to 2nd February 2019. The seminar began solemnly on 31st January at 9:00 a.m. with an enthronement of the Word of God followed by prayer and lighting of the lamp. Then, Fr. Arul Jesu Robin cmf, the director of Sanyasa welcomed each one warmly. Rev. Fr. Jacob Arakkal, cmf, the president of Sanyasa and the Provincial of the Bangalore Province gave an inaugural address in which he emphasized the importance of consecrated persons leading a holy from the light of the Apostolic exhortation. About 140 men and women religious participated actively and benefitted immensely from the seminar.

Renowned consecrated persons and a lay scholar spoke on the Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate from different aspects. There were all together ten papers presented on the theme “Rejoice and Be Glad – Pope Francis’ Call for Holiness of Life: Reflections on the Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate of Pope Francis”: “The Context and Overview of Gaudete et Exsultate” by Dr. Arul Jesu Robin, CMF, the director of Sanyasa; “The Concept of Holiness and Its Significance for Consecrated Life by Rev. Dr. Jose Cristo Rey G. Parades, CMF, Professor Emeritus, ITVR, Madrid, Spain; “Neo-gnosticism – A Subtle Enemy of Holiness” by Sr. Marykutty Joseph, SCSA, Vice Provincial, Sisters of Charity of St. Ann, South Province; “Neo-pelagianism – A Subtle Enemy of Holiness” by Sr. Sylvie Rodrigues, BS, Research Scholar, Belgaum; “Holiness as Practicing the Beatitudes” by Rev. Dr. Xavier Manavath, CMF, Vicar for the Religious, Archdiocese of Bangalore and Rector, Claretian Seminary, Malleswaram; “Signs of Holiness in Today’s World” by Sr. Ruby, OSM, Research Scholar, St. Paul’s Seminary, Trichy; “Life of Holiness – A Constant Battle”, by Sr. Stella Baltazar, FMM, Superior and Correspondent, Nazareth and Bethlehem Schools, Ooty; “The Weapons Necessary for Holiness of Life” by Sr. Irene Leena Pais, UFS, Superior, Ursuline Community, Mysore; “Pope Francis’ Call to Holiness in the Modern World”, by Dr. A. Pusparajan, Professor of Eminence in Philosophy, Religion and Gandhian Thought; “Gaudete et Exsultate – A Guide to Consecrated Life” by Dr. James Niravath, OCD, Rector, Carmelaram Theology House, Carmelaram. On the last day, there was also a panel discussion in which the participants clarified their doubts.

The seminar was indeed an eye-opening experience for the participants. It questioned the life, vocation, consecration and mission of the consecrated person in the present situation. The participants were convinced that following Jesus radically as consecrated persons necessarily involves leading a holy life. It came to an end on 2nd February 2019, on the day specially consecrated for the consecrated persons with the solemn Eucharistic celebration, presided over by Rev. Fr. S. Jesudoss, cmf, the Provincial of the Claretian Province of Chennai.

In collaboration with Sanyasa, Rev. Dr. Xavier Manavath, cmf, the Rector of Claretian Seminary, Malleswaram, Bengaluru organized a one-day seminar on the same theme on 27th January 2019 at Claretian seminary, Malleswaram. About 200 consecrated as well as lay people participated and appreciated our effort in offering quality service for the ongoing formation of the consecrated persons of India. See news here.


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