Conference of the Claretians of the Americas is Born

Apr 19, 2012 | General Government, USA - Canada

Rome. At the intensive sessions of the General Government in the month of March, the Constitution of the Conference of the Claretians of the Americas (CCA) was approved.

The new Conference is the result of the grouping of the Conferences of CICLA (Latin America and the Caribbean) and NACLA (USA and Canada).

In making this decision, the General Government took into consideration letters which were sent by Fr. Alejandro Cerón, President of CICLA, and Frs. Rosendo Urrabazo and Romualdo Arbina, Major Superiors of the USA and Canada.

CICLA made the decision as a result of their last General Assembly celebrated in Lima, Perú in May 2011, while in the organisms of NACLA the major superiors went through a consultative process.

In addition to its practical aspects, this merger is intended to facilitate the development of a project of life and mission to enable a response to the challenges of the American continent, bearing in mind the Congregational priorities, as well as communication and collaboration between all its provinces, delegations and missions.

Final approval of the statutes that will govern the new Conference will be approved after a General Assembly to be held in Costa Rica in November 2012 and will feature the presence of Fr. General.

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