Commission on Community Life Formed

Feb 28, 2019 | General Government

Rome, Italy. In view of formulating a proposal to help implement congregational community life dynamics in accordance with Missionarii Sumus #70, a new general commission was formed – Commission on Community Life – composed of Bro. Carlos Verga (Gobierno General / San José del Sur), Frs. Cristo Rey García Paredes (Santiago), Paulson Veliyanoor (Northeast India), Callistus Y. P. Joseph (Deutschland), Amos Moses Onyait (St. Charles Lwanga), CMFF. Its first meeting took place on February 25-26, 2019 at the General Curia in Rome.

MS #70 states that:

“Our goal during the next six years to create missionary communities: that will rediscover the joy of living in communities which are houses and schools of communion; that give witness to God’s primacy and, in and of themselves, will announce the Gospel. For this to happen:

  • We will promote among ourselves attitudes, of mutual and loving appreciation, of interests in who the other is and for what he does. In this way healthy communities can develop: where dialogue occurs, grace is shared, a sense of trust and freedom develops, the joy of the Gospel is shared, pardon and reconciliation heals our wounds, and no one and nothing (i.e. abuse of social media, the new technologies, and other interests) isolates us from one another.

  • We will encourage each of our communities to get involved – in accord with our charism – in the local church, to be open to collaborate in projects that go beyond the local diocese, and becomes more visible in the social media, citizenship projects and cultural context of the society in which it is located, to transform this reality according to God’s plan, and to offer generous and qualified collaboration, solidarity, or support (cf. CC 6, 46).

  • We will insist that every community elaborate together its “Community Project” (vision, mission, and life) in a spirit of discernment, prayer, and togetherness. Respecting the privacy of the community, it may be opportune to include others with whom we share our mission and charism. To this end, the community will dedicate the necessary time needed and give priority to these above other commitments. The project will be reviewed and evaluated on a regular basis.

  • We will make pastoral conversion a major concern in our communities: for this we will place under community discernment our apostolic commitments and the status of our fraternal life, so both can be in harmony and respond to the orientations of this Chapter.

  • We will animate in the whole Congregation, under the responsibility of the General Government, an interdisciplinary reflection on community life as experienced at all levels (local, province and delegation, and worldwide).

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