Claretians Take Action on Climate Change: Insights from Bonn Conference

Jun 24, 2024 | UN Presence

Bonn, Germany. The 60th sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB60) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) took place in Bonn, Germany, from 3 to 13 June 2024. The Claretian Missionaries, through Fondazione Proclade Internazionale-onlus, actively participated in the conference. Fr. Rohan Dominic, CMF represented the congregation at this gathering, which brought together over 8,600 participants from 198 countries to prepare for the upcoming COP29 in Azerbaijan.

The newly formed Catholic Actors Network, of which we are a part, emerged as a significant force in climate action and advocacy. The network met twice, including a pivotal meeting with the Holy See Delegation. Notably, the Holy See Delegation informed that Vatican City State delivered its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and set a goal for net-zero emissions by 2050. Discussions emphasized integral ecology, support for Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) initiatives, and a focus on children and climate change in the upcoming UNFCCC agenda.

The Catholic Actors Network has outlined a comprehensive strategy for COP29 and COP30, focusing on key areas such as mitigation, just transitions, climate finance, and human rights, demonstrating the Catholic community’s increasing influence and commitment to driving meaningful climate action globally.

Claretian Involvement and Future Directions

The Claretian participation through Proclade International marks a significant step in its commitment to care for the common home. Fr. Rohan Dominic also engaged in intensive discussions with Fr. Roy Thomas, SVD, Executive Co-Secretary of the JPIC Commission USG and UISG (Rome), and members of CIDSE, including energy and climate experts from Caritas Internationalis, Misereor, and CAFOD, exploring collaboration opportunities for future climate action. As they prepare for COP29 and COP30, Claretians are called to deepen the climate understanding, support Catholic initiatives, integrate climate action in their ministries, advocate for ambitious policies, and engage meaningfully in future climate conferences.

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