Claretians in Africa in the five-year period

Mar 30, 2009 | St. Charles Lwanga

Uganda. During the animation visit done by the General Consultor and Prefect of Formation, Fr. Mathew Vattamattam from February 13 to 17, the Claretians who are in their first priestly quinquennium in East Africa have celebrated in the Claretian seminary of Jinja an encounter, convoked by Fr. George Nedumattam, formation coordinator for East Africa. Nine young missionaries who exercise their ministry in Uganda, Kenia and Tanzania participated in the encounter. It has been a rich moment of interchange and reflection on the life and the worries of the young missionaries in this region of Africa. They devoted themselves to explaining their life experiences in the recent past. Some of the worries of the young missionaries were tackled together with the study of the documents on authority and obedience, the Synod on the Word of God and the conclusions of the seminary of Vic on interculturality. The group revealed, together with their hopes, some fears and the worries that may affect the formation of the intercultural communities.

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1st East African Claret Way Youth Convention

1st East African Claret Way Youth Convention

Nyamiongo, Tanzania. The 1st East African Claret Way Youth Convention took place at Nyamiongo Parish, Musoma Diocese, Tanzania, from July 4th to 7th, 2024. The convention's main theme was "MY TOMORROW IS NOW", and it also included a reflection on the 175 years of the...

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