Apr 2, 2022 | General Government, UN Presence

The General Council of the Claretian Missionaries (Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary), gathered in a session presided over by Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, Superior General of the Congregation, echoing the agreements made by the XXVI General Chapter of the Congregation[1], held in August and September 2021, states with satisfaction:

[1] That the Congregation reaffirms itself in the reasons that led it to promote in 2006 the foundation of Fondazione Proclade Internazionale – ONLUS and in its commitment to the comprehensive development of all men and women of all peoples, the exquisite care of the Earth and Creation, and the establishment of relations of peace and justice among peoples with a determined promotion of the rights of every human being.

[2] That, as approved by said General Chapter -supreme institution of the Congregation-, sharing the social teaching of the Catholic Church, the Claretian Missionaries wish to commit themselves more and more to the defense and care of Creation, the accompaniment of families, the defense of cultures and original peoples (QC 12b).

[3] That ratifies the agreements made by said Chapter, which has placed among the main priorities of the Claretian Missionaries for the period 2021-2027 (QC 43) the commitment to universal brotherhood, justice, peace and care for the common home, and expressed his desire to collaborate on it with people of all cultures, ethnicities and religions.

[4] That the General Council of the Congregation invites Fondazione Proclade Internazionale – ONLUS to make more explicit in its Statutes the Foundation’s commitment to ecology, care for the Earth and the fight against climate change.

[5] That, with its authority, this Council congratulates the institutions of the Congregation that since a long time ago prioritise in their options, allocations of resources and programs the defense of nature and its respect, investment in cleaner energy and the construction and reform of real estate with criteria of greater ecological respect and invites all the members and institutions of the Congregation to commit themselves more in this sense.

[6] That the Claretian Missionaries intend to encourage more and more the young people of the 69 nations in which we are present to get personally involved in the transformation of the world and to commit themselves to its care (QC 64).

[7] That we ratify our purpose of promoting respect and defense of all human beings, especially the most vulnerable, and of overcoming all kinds of prejudices and barriers, recognizing in a unique way women, protagonists of social life (QC 80).

[8] That we encourage ourselves to respect and promote the integrity of Creation by substantially transforming our habits and lifestyles and denouncing any type of destructive exploitation (QC 80).

[9] That it is our purpose to intensify our collaboration with people and institutions that seek to transform the world in line with the Sustainable Development Goals supported by the United Nations (QC 80, 81).

[10] That, in accordance with the agreements made by the General Chapter of 2021, it is also our will to continue taking measures that increase our involvement in issues related to the defense of the environment, the protection of the climate system for present and future generations and Human rights (QC 86), as stated in the action plan of this council for the period 2021-2027.

Rome, March 31, 2022

Fr. Mathew Vattamattam CMF

Superior General

Fr. Joseba Kamiruaga Mieza CMF

General Secretary

[1] Included in its final Statement (Exhortation Querida Congregación), referred here as QC.

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