Rome. The General Mission Procure organized the second online training for Mission Procurators on 11 June 2024, focusing on the topic “Expectations from Claretian Sources.” The event saw the participation of up to 75 missionaries and laity engaged in project work from various continents through a Zoom meeting. The training aimed to create a space for discussing various issues related to the planning, implementation, and reporting of projects.
Fr. Pedro Belderrain CMF, General Prefect of Apostolate, welcomed the participants, and Fr. Lord Winner CMF, General Mission Procurator, introduced the topic to the audience. The first input session featured contributions from the Fátima and Sanctus Paulus Provinces, represented by Ms. Ana María Estévez Barroso, project coordinator at Proclade Bética, and Ms. Esther Calvo, project coordinator at Proclade Yanapay, respectively. The second session included insights from Fr. Miguel Tombilla CMF, Mission Procurator of Santiago Province; Fr. James Patteril CMF, Mission Procurator of the Deutschland Province; Mr. Brian Wiley, Mission Procure Assistant at USA-Canada Province, Fr. Joby Palukunnel, CMF and Mr. Fernando Guzman, the Mission Procurator of San Jose del Sur Province.

Representatives of Claretian sources shared their experiences in fundraising for Claretian missions and proposed various positive solutions and good practices. They urged project implementers to focus on gender equality, a rights-based approach, and sustainable development as the foundation for creating meaningful social change.