Claretian Centenary in Trieste

Jun 25, 2012 | Italia, Parish Ministry

Trieste, Italy. In the afternoon of June 16th the community of Trieste celebrated the Solemnity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Patroness of the Parish and the Claretian Missionaries who are celebrating 100 years of their presence in this city in the North of Italy.

The mass was presided over by Archbishop Don Giampolo Crepaldi. Concelebrating were Fathers Renato Caprioli, CMF, Pastor, Oswair Chiozini, CMF, Massimo Proscia, CMF and other diocesan priests.

On this festive occasion the new altar, ambo, spaces for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and the chapel for daily use were blessed.

Presented to the bishop were the newly elected members of the parish council and various members of the
new group “Claret Youth”.

The fiesta ended with a showing of the ‘Centenary of the Claretian Presence in Trieste’ and a reception.
The next event of the centenary celebration will be an exposition of fourteen multimedia presentations titled:

“Claret: his life and dream. History of a charism” on October 24th.

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