Cinema, a venue for the transmission of values

Jul 6, 2022 | Antillas, Apostolate, Arts

Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Created in 2001, the San Antonio María Claret Cultural and Missionary Animation Center of Santiago de Cuba continues to make a great contribution to the faith-culture dialogue in Cuban society.

In June 2022, the Center held its II Conference on Sacred Art, which focused on the presence of the Beatitudes in the world of cinema. Guided by the specialist Teresa Ekobo, who traveled from Spain, and by Professor David Silverio, from the Universidad del Oriente, the participants approached the subject by watching and reviewing together several recent films and studying their presence in the Cuban audiovisual world.

These days, eagerly awaited during these years of the pandemic, were held for the first time in 2019 and brought together all kinds of people. The Center develops a humble but constant activity highly valued by Christians and non-Christians alike. Its magazine ‘Viña Joven’ and its sacred art salons (already with twenty editions) attract people from all over the island and also arouse interest outside Cuba.

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