After prayer, the morning activities focused on Sister Liliana Franco Echeverri’s conference, ODM, on the theme “Synodal and Missionary Spirituality,” followed by group work for deeper understanding. The speaker emphasizes that in the context of synodality, the Trinity is the paradigm of Mission and highlights that our lives must spread out in the rhythm of the Spirit, whose action creates the Church. She also underlines that the Spirit does not tolerate uniformity, requiring a constant attitude of listening and the art of discerning the Spirit’s intentions, to gaze contemplatively at reality and emphasize the centrality of our following of Christ. She also invites, in existential and geographical itinerancy, to open horizons of hope and to remain guardians of unity, constantly turning our eye towards Christ even in times of crisis.

Following the work of the different groups, a 45-minute debate (12:15 to 13:00) with the speaker opened fruitful exchanges with the participants.
Between the beginning and end of the conference and group work, short videos enriched the participants through testimonies from various Claretian missionaries in mission in our world.
In the afternoon, from 15:15 to 16:10, the General Prefect of Spirituality and Community Life, Father Carlos Sanchez, CMF, held discussions in the presence of the Superior General, Mathew Vattamattam, CMF, with all the prefects of Spirituality and Community Life, to evaluate the achievements of the Congress and agree on ways to implement them in communities.

From 16:30 to 19:00, participants engaged in workshops to reflect and exchange on various topics.
Before dinner, the celebration of Mass and the Evening prayer concluded the day’s activities. During the homily, Fr. Antonio Ferreira, CMF, emphasized “Here I am, send me,” accenting that this response of man to God’s initiative reflects our missionary attitude towards the Lord, from whom we have experienced forgiveness.