Chad Mission Update

Jul 23, 2017 | ACLA, East Nigeria, Mission Alive

18199469 416752385367266 5205627225526861553 nThe mission in Chad is a difficult one because generally, life is difficult in Chad. However, there seems to be an inner joy we experience which does not seem to be ordinary. Maybe we feel we are contributing something to easing the life of many less-privileged and the indigent, some of whom, I have never seen their equal since I was born. Yes! If someone can feel happy and relieved just because I visited and asked: “how are you today?”, why wouldn’t I be joyful?. Glory to God!

Our mission in Chad is good and important. We have begun penetrating most of the interior villages where missioning is more typically “Primary Evangelization”. We are not afraid of the discomfort of living with the poor in their villages. The hut is constructed with the intent that the Priest moves into the village on a weekend, hears confessions and teaches catechism on a Saturday, says mass on a Sunday, and gives moral Instructions in the village Community School on the Monday before coming back to the Parish house.

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We thank God who has continued to grant us good health despite the poor environment.

We thank God too for the cooperation of the diocese of Sarh, and the assistance from the Congregation and people of good will.

18222682 416751542034017 3391915027084763953 nOur major headaches for the moment are two:

  1. We are making every effort to get a motorcycle that will enable us to reach the interior villages where cars cannot reach especially during rainy seasons.
  2. The village school we help out in giving Moral Education is constructed with grasses and bamboas; and these classrooms fall down every year; and hence reconstructed every year before classes begin. [see photos of the fallen classrooms just few weeks ago].

18221994 416752318700606 5256127251181010862 nThis year, we thank God the pupils had vacated before the classrooms fell; if not there could be accidents that could lead to deaths. It will be wonderful if we succeed in getting assistance from people of goodwill, so that we can construct block classrooms in place of the bamboa-grass classrooms.

The language barrier is generally going down. We now better understand the French language, and have started understanding little of the Local language “Sara”.

Finally the canonical visit to our community by the General Government was a very high boost and relief. It not only updated us with the realities in the Congregation and animated our Community living, but it also gave us a “pat on the back”.

As we continue to play our part in this part of the world, we humbly request your spiritual, moral and material support.
Thank you.

Fr. Casmir Ibe, CMF.
Chad Mission.

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