In the framework of the preparations for the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the foundation of the...
Spirituality and Community Life
Renewing Hope: The Quinquennium in Fátima and the Future of Evangelization in Europe
Fatima, Portugal. From November 17 to 19, 2023, the Quinquennium of the Claretians in Europe took place at the Casa de...
Fussimanya App, the New Spiritual Directory of the Claretian Missionaries
Rome, Italy. On October 24, 2023, the Feast of St. Anthony Mary Claret, the General Prefect of Spirituality and...
7 November
“O my God, I give you my word that I shall do this: I shall preach, write, and circulate good books and pamphlets in...
6 November
“Love is the most necessary of all the virtues. Yes, I say it and will say it a thousand times: the virtue an...
5 November
“I never quarrelled with anyone but strove to be kind with all. I avoided all clowning and disliked silly and mocking...
4 November
“I have never made a penny's profit from the works I have seen through the presses. On the contrary I have given away...
3 November
“We have to love Mary, most holy and be her devotees, because the devotion to Mary, most holy is the very powerful...
2 November
“I am yearning to go to heaven to see Jesus loved and praised by the whole celestial palace; it will be a greater...
1 November
I frequently read the lives of those saints who were distinguished for their zeal in saving souls, and I felt the good...
31 October
“At each town I preached in, the first half of the service was marked by persecutions and calumnies by the wicked of...
30 October
“The world has always striven to hinder and persecute me, but our Lord has taken care of me and frustrated all its...
29 October
“Seeing that the Lord, out of sheer good will and no merit on my part, was calling me to stem the torrent of...
28 October
“The love for God does not consist only in language and words but also, and mainly, in deeds and truth, that is in...
27 October
“In prayer, humility, faith, hope, charity, religion and other virtues are practiced.” Diálogos sobre la oración, en...
26 October
“The other group that most claimed my attention was the clergy. If all those studying for service in the Church were...
25 October
“From the very beginning, the style I aimed at was that of the Gospel: simple and clear” Aut 297 FACILITATE THE...
24 October
“It seems that I have now fulfilled my mission. In Paris and Rome I have preached the law of God: in Paris as the...
23 October
“Rip out of your heart all pride which is the root and principle of all the sins” Avisos a un sacerdote: que acaba de...
Spiritual Exercises at Buenafente
Buenafuente del Sistal, Spain. Forge 23 participants went for a 9-day Spiritual Exercises at the Cistercian Monastery...
22 October
“If you want to aspire to contemplation and union with God you must be a man of prayer as in prayer you receive the...
21 October
“I was one of eleven children: 1. My sister Rose, born in 1800. Formerly married, she is now a widow. She has always...
The Life and Mission of Our Congregation Continue: Erection of Three New Independent Delegations and Appointment of the New Provincial Government of Fatima
Rome Italy. The following decisions have been taken and adopted during the first week of intensive sessions of the...
20 October
“What God wants of you is that you do good the same as you are doing with interior peace, with silence, without...
19 October
“Frankly I tell you that I am fed up with eight years of persecutions for this blessed Escorial. Don Dionisio, with...
18 October
“You have to look at and imitate the humility and meekness of Jesus; humility is the foundation of all the virtues;...
17 October
“Holiness supposes two things: being clean from sin and eminent in virtue. With the aim of acquiring it, you ought to...
16 October
“Prayer is for man what the soul is for the body and what water is for the earth, it is the key to heaven. It is for...
15 October
“Jesus rode upon a donkey when He entered Jerusalem in triumph. I, too, gladly offer myself to Jesus to make use of me...
14 October
“I will occupy myself in praising God, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints as they are prayers and devotions and I...
13 October
“Ignorance in matters of religion is great nowadays, almost general; and the worst part is that there are very many...
12 October
“I have here the ultimate and principal pledge that you need to be a good missionary: honour Mary and love God a lot.”...
11 October
“At the beginning of my stay in Vich I was undergoing an experience not unlike what goes on in a blacksmith’s shop....
10 October
“I have never made a penny’s profit from the Works I have seen through the presses. On the contrary, I have given away...
9 October
“When I started preaching missions in 1840, we were in the midst of a civil war between the royalists and the...
Visit To A Segovian Forge
Segovia, Spain. On Saturday, October 6, the participants of the Forge 23 had the opportunity to visit a forge in...
8 October
“When I left the Canary Islands the bishop wanted to give me a new hat and coat but I wouldn’t hear of it. All I took...
7 October
“We honour … the Blessed Virgin Mary, our most tender mother; we imitate her virtues, we continuously give her thanks...
6 October
“October 6th 1850, the feast of St. Bruno, founder of the Carthusian order I had once wished to join….., was my...