Spirituality and Community Life

26 November

“I believed that a certain class of sinners must be caught after the fashion of a man cooking snails. He puts them in a pot of cold water, which they like, and hence they come out of their shells as far as they can. The cook, in the meantime, has to see to it that the...

25 November

“I have learned that zeal is an ardent and violent love that needs to be wisely controlled. Otherwise it might go beyond the limits of modesty and discretion. Not because divine love, however violent, can be excessive in itself, nor in the movements and inclinations...

24 November

“Although Father Joseph Xifre, Superior of the Missionary Sons of the Heart of Mary, has frequently spoken and written to request that I write a biography of my insignificant self, I have heretofore always excused myself. I would not have agreed to do so even now had...

23 November

“To love God truly means to suffer for the beloved. To know whether it is true, we have to check it with the fire of tribulation: the inability to bear the trial is the sign of lack of love” Explicación de la paloma[= Resumen de los principales documentos.......]....

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