Spirituality and Community Life

15 December

“I bought a ranch for the poor of Puerto Principe........My object in starting this ranch was to gather together poor boys and girls, many of whom were wandering the streets begging. At the ranch they were fed, clothed, and taught their religion, as well as reading,...

14 December

“As all of us must work for the greater glory of God, according to the expression of St. Paul, our prayer should be continuous; and it is, says St. Augustine, if our works are always animated by the desire of faith, hope and charity. A similar desire fosters...

Forge 23 Update: Light Between Mists

Vic, Spain. They were days of mist and fog pierced by a soft triumphant light. This is how the pilgrimage days in Claretian lands went on at the beginning of December 2018. The 13 Claretians of this Forge-23 traveled the places where Claret set foot on, seeing how the...

13 December

“I preached retreats to the entire clergy: canons, pastors, beneficiaries, etc. This was my yearly practice as long as I was on the island” Aut 512 ANIMATION OF THE PASTORS There might be some who are not familiar with the words of this testimony Claret offers us in...

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