The participants of the Forge 06/22 had a memorable pilgrimage to Rome, walking the footsteps of Saints Peter and...
Spirituality and Community Life
A Claretian Inspires A Novel
A novel written by the Colombian Héctor Abad, author of well-known novels such as "El olvido que seremos", has just...
Forge 06/2022 takes off at Colmenar Viejo
Colmenar Viejo, Spain. After a 3-year hiatus forced on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the English edition of Forge, the...
23 March
“How narrow and depressed is the human heart to receive that which is opposing and painful to its earthly...
22 March
“I will think that God is looking at me. I will think that God is talking to me with inspirations and dispositions… I...
21 March
“Jesus Christ instituted the Blessed Sacrament so as to stay with us until the end of the world. What a love! For the...
20 March
“Here I am completely tied down in an archdiocese, when my spirit is really for the whole world: even in this little...
19 March
“News of the technical ability the Lord had given me spread through Barcelona. This moved some gentlemen to call on my...
18 March
“What used to hurt me the most was to hear that my parents would have to scold a worker for not doing his job...
15 March
“The chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, or the communion rail of each parish, is the exact thermometer to know the...
14 March
“I know many men and women who, in the middle of noisy streets and squares, find a way to encounter in their hearts a...
13 March
“For several days I had been feeling very fervent and full of longing to die for Jesus Christ. The love of God seemed...
12 March
“Preaching the divine Word (…) should never be neglected, especially during festive periods but most importantly...
Doctoral Dissertation Defense: Popular Missions of Claret
Madrid, Spain. At 12 noon of Monday, March 5, 2018, the doctoral dissertation defense of Fr. Carlos Enrique Sánchez...
The Forge 22 Ends. But the Journey Begins Now…
Los Negrales, Spain. The Forge 22 which began on October 1, 2017, and having journeyed through three different yet...
Official closing of the “Xifré Year” in Vic
Vic, España. On Saturday, November 4, the day after the memory of the death of Fr. Josep Xifré i Mussach, cmf, third...
Closing of the “Xifré Year” in the General Curia
Rome Italy. On November 4, the Community of the General Curia in Rome held a formative and spiritual day on the...
Fr. Jesús Bermejo, CMF Dies in Vic
Vic, Spain. Fr. Jesús Bermejo has died in Vic at the age of 72 years. He was one of the greatest scholars of the life...
“A Forbidden God” at the General Curia
Rome. On March 12th a “trailer” of the movie “A Forbidden God” was presented at the General Curia to Fr. Josep Abella,...
5th Year Encounter in Euskal Herria
Augurain, Spain. On February 23rd the Claretians of “5th Year” age and others under the age of 50 from the Province of...
The Closing of “Forge – 18”
Los Negrales, Madrid (Spain). On December 20th “The Forge” course no.18, held at the community of Los Negrales, ended...
Camp Claret Receives the “Coup de Cœur des Consultants” Award of Excellence
Victoriaville, Canadá. Camp Claret by Lake Elgin (Canada) received an Award of Excellence. The award was given to Fr....
Hurricane “Sandy” Razes Communities in Cuba
Songo, Cuba. From the 24th to the 25th of October, Hurricane “Sandy” touched land in the East of Cuba, crossing the...
Formative Encounter for the Local Superiors of Iberia
Colmenar Viejo(Spain). Organized by the Iberian Conference of Provincials, a formative meeting was held for the local...
First Encounter of Popular Education
Sasaima, Colombia. The Province of Colombia East and Ecuador, through the ‘Rural Ministry Project’, organized the...
“Encounter with Claret” in English
Madrid, Spain. Convoked by Fr. Gonzalo Fernandez, the General Prefect of Spirituality, the Claretian Spirituality...
Forge – 3, Bangalore
After a gap of three years the English residential Forge program was held at Claret Nivas, Bangalore from the 1st of...
“The World in a House”. Photographic Exhibit.
Lecco, Italy. From the 14 – 16th of June, the “House at the Well”, directed by the Claretians of Italy, will present a...
The “Cristiada” in México and the Claretian Mission in the USA
Chicago, U.S.A. The film “Cristiada”, which premiered with great success to audiences in Mexico during the month of...
Tribute for Movie Critic Luis Alberto Álvarez, CMF
Medellín, Colombia. The University of Antioquia, through its Department of Cultural Extension, honored the recognized...
Encounter of Local Superiors in Euskal Herria
Salvatierra, Spain. An encounter of local superiors from the Province of Euskal Herria was held on May 5th at the...
The Forge in Our Daily Life for Laity
Santiago de Chile. On Saturday the 31st of March, at the Monastery of Quilvo, the Lay Claretians of Linares, Santiago,...
Deaf Community Makes Pilgrimmage to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Guadalupe
México, D.F. On March 24th the XXV pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe took place, organized by the...
Claretian Composes a Hymn to the Virgin Sung at the Mass with the Pope
Santiago de Cuba. Claretian Jesús Bermejo, CMF, member of the CESC team at our motherhouse in Vic (Spain), is the...
Preparing the “Charitas Christi” Cycle for The Forge
Rome. From the 3 – 7th of March the commission on the “Forge in Our Daily Life” project met. The members are Fathers:...
Bética Celebrates It’s Annual Formation Encounter
Sevilla, Spain. Every year the Claretians of Bética celebrate a formation encounter in the month of February. The...
XI Assembly of the Lay Claretians from the North of Spain
Covadonga, Spain. From the 14 – 16th of October 2011 the XI Regional Assembly of the Lay Claretians from the North...
“Missionary Paella”
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain). This past Saturday, the 22nd of October, the Parish Del Pilar de Santa...
Claretian Community of Pereira Receives an Award
Pereira, Colombia. The Governor of Risaralda (Colombia), Víctor Manuel Tamayo Vargas, awarded the ”Official Order of...