Nochiodaipatty, India. Quinquennium priests from Chennai Province came together for a two-day seminar addressing the...
Spirituality and Community Life
Quinquennium 2023: Kolkata Delegation Focuses on Ethical Pastoral Relationships
Ranchi, India. Kolkata Independent Delegation hosted it’s Quinquennium programme from March 7-9, 2023, at the Little...
Refreshed and Energized: Renewal for Priests
Bengaluru, India. Committed to the Ongoing Formation of its members, Bangalore Province organized a Renewal Programme...
28 May
‘…events will happen. You already know that I never get involved in politics, but not infrequently politics gets...
27 May
‘…yesterday when I went (to the church), I beheld that those who at the front of the Church, attending mass, when they...
26 May
‘I will say these prayers of aspiration: Ah my Jesus! As the water is joined with the wine in the holy sacrifice of...
25 May
‘When a man is faithful to his vocation and corresponds with great force of will, he can do very much. And if he is...
24 May
‘God asked forgiveness of the eternal Father for those who crucified him. And he teaches us how we must forgive and...
23 May
‘How important it is nowadays to circulate good books to counteract the flood of bad ones!’ Aut 708 VEHICLES FOR GOOD...
22 May
‘My only goal and all my anxieties were about manufacturing. I can't overstate it – my obsession approached delirium....
21 May
‘Ever since I was a small boy I have been attracted to piety and religion.’ Aut 36 EVERY GREAT JOURNEY BEGINS WITH A...
20 May
‘The ancient Hebrews had a tradition which said that when God had created all things, he asked the angels what they...
19 May
“When you have to correct someone, take the hand of sweetness, which is very effective in this. Sweetness is the great...
18 May
‘As Jesus Christ has made use of the same means to do us good that Satan used to do evil, he has instituted the august...
17 May
‘The Lord…is the path with the good example he has given us and gives us continually, going ahead of us with the...
Centroamérica Quinquennio 2018
Heredia, Costa Rica. As part of the ongoing formation process of the members of the Claretian Province of...
16 May
‘The would-be assassin was caught in the act and sent to jail. He was tried and sentenced to death by the judge,...
15 May
‘He who aspires to the perfection of the unitive way must practise three things, namely: pray heroically, work...
14 May
‘Love your neighbour as yourself; love him not for your use and advantage but in God, through God and for the good of...
13 May
‘I tell myself: A Son of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a man on fire with love, who spreads its flames wherever he...
12 May
“Love is the queen of virtues; it is like the sun among the stars, like gold among all metals. It is what gives life...
11 May
‘Since my voyage to Rome was not intended as a pleasure trip but one in which to work and suffer for Jesus Christ, I...
4th Forge Enters Second Phase
Madrid, Spain. The fourth English batch of Forge Claretian Renewal Encounter has fruitfully completed the first phase...
10 May
‘In the midst of this whirling of ideas, while I was at Mass one day, I remembered reading as a small boy those words...
9 May
‘I am even scrupulous about spending anything at all on myself when I think of the needs I can remedy.’ Aut 10...
First Quinquennium Program of West Nigeria
Ibefun, Nigeria. It was all joy for the young missionaries of West Nigeria Independent Delegation who gathered at the...
8 May
‘Many of the first Christians renounced the things of this world in order to better follow Jesus Christ. One cannot...
7 May
‘Christian perfection consists, in addition to loving God and neighbour through his love, in doing and practicing all...
6 May
‘The most pious reading that we can have is the holy Gospel… We must meditate upon it and conform our conduct with the...
5 May
‘O my God and my Father, may I know you and make you known; love you and make you loved; serve you and make you...
4 May
‘My address, during the few days I stayed there, was at Vic. From this city I would set out with a list of the towns I...
3 May
‘First of all we must ask God as St Augustine did: Noverim te, noverim me: Let me, Lord, know who You are and know who...
2 May
‘I will ask the Blessed Virgin Mary for a burning love, perfect union with God, the most profound humility, and a...
1 May
‘The whole ambition of a soul that loves God must consist in surpassing others in humility… He who loves God, does...
30 April
“…the priest who works without meekness serves Satan, not Christ.” Aut 376 THE MEEK CONQUER In the first letter of St....
29 April
“Reading good books has always been considered highly useful, but nowadays it is a real necessity. I say that it is...
28 April
All things, even the most insignificant, reveal to us the power of God, his wisdom, his goodness and other attributes....
27 April
Because it was not so publicised that I would preach in these missions, they advised me not to preach them, for they...
26 April
“ Love decorum in the house of the Lord, in the ornaments and adornments, especially, seriousness with the divine...