Spirituality and Community Life

Missionaries Till the End and After: Forge 06/22 Concludes

Forge 06/22, which began on October 9, 2022 with 17 participants from 15 major organisms and hailing from 9 countries, concluded on 20 December 2022 with a solemn sending forth Eucharist, presided over by Rev. Fr. Miguel Angel Velasco, former general prefect of...

Pilgrimage to Rome by The Brothers in Forge

The participants of the Forge 06/22 had a memorable pilgrimage to Rome, walking the footsteps of Saints Peter and Paul, of the early Christian community and their martyrs in Rome, and of Father Claret who spent considerable time in Rome. The pilgrimage, undertaken...

A Claretian Inspires A Novel

A novel written by the Colombian Héctor Abad, author of well-known novels such as "El olvido que seremos", has just been published this October. The title of this latest novel is "Salvo mi corazón, todo está bien". A novel about priests written by a novelist that has...

Forge 06/2022 takes off at Colmenar Viejo

Colmenar Viejo, Spain. After a 3-year hiatus forced on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the English edition of Forge, the Claretian Renewal Encounter, began on October 9, 2022, at Colmenar Viejo, Madrid. This 6th English edition of Forge was auspiciously launched at the...

30 June

*43.- “Also the zeal of St. Paul has always awakened my deepest enthusiasm. He went from place to place, a chosen...

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29 June

*359 “I am much encouraged in reading about what the apostles did and suffered. St. Peter in his first sermon...

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28 June

*266 “As much as the enemies of religion keep awake, we are asleep; they keep the printing presses going day and...

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27 June

*108 Let us do things as one who serves Christ and not man, and in this way will we do them well, in a good way and...

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26 June

*246.- “I will say before meals: Lord, I eat to have strength and serve you better. Before going to bed: Lord, I do...

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25 June

*236.- “It is not enough to have a confessor to whom to present with sincerity our sins; We need also a teacher to...

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24 June

*226.- “Jesus gave us the Blesses Virgin Mary as our Mother. He entrusted us to care for her as mother, and she will...

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23 June

*216.- “I will be like a Servant who does only what his master wants. I will imitate Jesus during the thirty years of...

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22 June

*206.- “I resolve to keep an even temper and disposition, never allowing myself to be carried away by anger,...

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21 June

*89.- “I have never made a retreat so full of sufferings and trials but neither, perhaps, so replete with great...

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20 June

The services I liked best were those connected with the Blessed Sacrament, and I attended these with great devotion...

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18 June

The good communicant compares well to the iron rod that is placed into the forge where it becomes fire. Yes the soul...

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19 June

“from the savings that I have in this I will send him something; when we get this case we will use D. Lorenzo so that...

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17 June

The good communicant compares well to the iron rod that is placed into the forge where it becomes fire. Yes the soul...

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16 June

Just as the body has its food, the soul also has its own food, which is the Eucharist. It is called the bread of...

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15 June

…”you are a priest and a prelate of the Church, a minister of Jesus Christ” Aut 585 APPRECIATION OF ONE’S VOCATION The...

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14 June

“Work is neither arduous nor difficult when one can see the great fruits, payment or appreciation that results from...

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13 June

A thousand times over I would offer myself to his service. I wanted to become a priest so that I could dedicate myself...

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12 June

“The love of God and of fellow man produces a similar effect to that of a fire. The power of gunpowder propels through...

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11 June

“Nothing daunts him; he delights in privations, welcomes work, embraces sacrifices, smiles at slander, and rejoices in...

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10 June

*106. There is nothing which ignites and conserves charity as for each one to know that the other feels and speaks...

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9 June

*96. Oh Lord and my Father, I desire nothing more than to know your blessed will so that I may fulfil it, I want...

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8 June

*86. “One day I went to the old sea, which was called behind the Barceloneta, and found myself at its edge, and a...

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7 June

76. “I always professed much love to the old and crippled … and when I had the privilege of speaking with an older...

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6 June

*66.—An honest man embraced by zeal and living faith, says St. John Chrysostom, is capable of correcting an entire...

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5 June

*56.- “Until when can the children of darkness be more prudent, zealous and active than the children of light? Then,...

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4 June

'O Virgin Mother of God, I am like an arrow placed in your strong hand.' 'Throw me, my mother, with all the strength...

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3 June

“Whenever I went to a town, I did so without any worldly goal in mind; my only aim was to glorify God and save souls.”...

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2 June

"Faith and reason! Here are two things that can easily be combined together, using them as expected. In each one of us...

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1 June

‘I must be like a burning candle: it uses the wax and it gives light until it dies. The limbs are connected to the...

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31 May

‘O Heart of Mary, forge and instrument of love, kindle in me the love of God and neighbour.’ Aut 447 IN MARY’S FORGE...

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30 May

‘The other group that most claimed my attention was the clergy. If all those studying for service in the Church were...

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29 May

‘In the case of children, the only work required is that of planting, whereas adults require both weeding and...

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