The special period of Lent is a particular time of encounter with the Lord in our process of spiritual renewal and...

The special period of Lent is a particular time of encounter with the Lord in our process of spiritual renewal and...
Dear brothers, Happy feast of the Presentation of the Lord and wishes of the day of Consecrated life. In the first...
Today we celebrate the liturgical memorial of Blessed Philip of Jesús Munárriz Azcona, priest, and his companions,...
Today is the 150th Anniversary of the definite approval of the Constitution 11th February 1870 by Pope Pius IX. The...
Dear brothers, In the year of the 150th anniversary of the Pascua of Saint Anthony Mary Claret, the memory of the...
February 1, 2020 For the second year we are going to celebrate in the whole Congregation the liturgical memory of...
The year 2020 that we have just begun is full of Claretian anniversaries. On January 25, the commemoration of the 150...
Dear Brothers, Fraternal Greetings, We are joyful missionaries! From Talagante in Chile, we are sharing this joy with...
Dear brothers, We have been journeying together for the last one week exploring in a context of prayer, reflection,...
Dear brothers, It is going to be five years in a few months since we celebrated the XXV General Chapter in August-...
Dear all: Wish you all the love and joy of Christmas! Pope Francis in his apostolic letter Admirabile Signum on the...
Meeting of the General Government with the Governments of the Organisms of America (MICLA) After 19 years, we once...
Vatican City. In time with the Advent and Christmas celebrations, Pope Francis released on Sunday, December 1, 2019,...
Message 24th October 2019 Dear brothers, In this extraordinary Missionary month of October, we enter the 150th year of...
Dear brothers and sisters: The Coordinating Team of our Claretian Family invites you to celebrate the feast of our...
Rome, 25 of September 2019. Dear brothers, October has always been the missionary month for so long. However, this...
July 16 brings alive in us the seminary room in Vic in 1849 where our Founder and his five companions gathered in...
(Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary - July 1, 2019) Dear brothers, Happy Feast of our blessed Mother! I invite you...
Beloved Congregation: As we conclude 75 days of Forge Encounter, we thank you, our beloved brothers, for your...
Dear Sisters and Brothers, Greetings from the participants of the Solidarity and Mission (SOMI) training, Yaoundé. We...
The Survey on community living was undertaken in March-April 2019, as one of the preliminary steps in order to prepare...
Dear Congregation: The farewell letter of Blessed Martyr Faustino Perez on behalf of his student companions of...
Dear Brothers, Wish you the joy of Easter, the assurance from God that Jesus’ manner of living and loving is the way,...
DAY OF THE CLARETIAN MISSION (April 28 '2019) Jesus Christ passed among us doing good and fighting against evil. In...
Vatican City. On March 19, Pope Francis signed an Apostolic Letter in the form of “Motu Proprio” entitled “Communis...
Dear Confreres in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Greetings from Lagos, Nigeria. We, the Major Superiors and Mission...
Dear Brothers and Sisters, As I thank the Lord who has accompanied us during these days, I would like to thank all of...
Together with the whole Congregation, I thank the Lord for the gift of His Eminence Cardinal Sebastian to the...
INTRODUCTION Faith leads a believer to see in the other a brother or sister to be supported and loved. Through faith...
At Christmas, I stand in bewilderment before the nativity scene. Here is the design of God for humanity to enter into...
We, the fifty-four Council members of all the organisms of the Claretian Missionaries, Sons of the Immaculate Heart of...
As we end the "Residential Forge" in Spanish, we would like to share to all our brothers in the Congregation what we...
Dear young people, World Youth Day is fast approaching. It will be held in Panama in January and the theme is Mary’s...
We, the members of the Claretian Family and Lay Mission Partners of ASCLA East gathered in Claret Retreat House in...
The celebration of the feast of St. Anthony Mary Claret invites us to contemplate how our Founder faithfully lived his...
Rome Italy. The following decisions have been taken and adopted during the first week of intensive sessions of the...
“If one member suffers, all suffer together with it” (1 Cor 12:26). These words of Saint Paul forcefully echo in my...
Dear Beloved Congregation: We have just concluded a two-week Claretian Renewal Encounter (CRE) which had begun on the...
Every year July 16 invites us to tune ourselves to the foundational inspiration that gave birth to the Congregation in...