Dear brothers: Wish you a joyful celebration of the feast of our Founder! Since the XXVI General Chapter, we have been...

Dear brothers: Wish you a joyful celebration of the feast of our Founder! Since the XXVI General Chapter, we have been...
Dear brothers, The Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the feast of our charismatic identity in the church. On,...
Rome 24 April 2022 Dear Friends, Greetings of the joy of Easter! The event of Easter urges us to keep our hopes alive...
Nemi, Italy. August 27, 2021. We begin a new stage of the Chapter sharing the dreams that we dream for the...
Nemi, Italy. August 26, 2021. There is much to be gained if we allow the living space to unveil its mysteries that are...
Nemi, Italy. August 25, 2021. Ten days have passed since the beginning of our General Chapter. The journey continues...
Nemi, Italy. August 24, 2021. Today we welcomed Fr. Pius Thuruthiyil (Northeast India) and Fr. Lawrence V. (Kolkata)...
Nemi, Italy. August 23, 2021. After a Sunday of rest, in which we were able to enjoy the tranquility of this house in...
Nemi. Italy. August 21, 2021. The first week of our XXVI General Chapter has gone according to plan. Today we began...
Nemi. Italy. August 20, 2021. Yesterday we were visited by the rain; today we dawn with a fresh breeze coming up from...
Nemi. Italy. August 19, 2021. Still savoring the echoes of the three days of retreat, the Chapter Assembly enters a...
Nemi, Italy. August 18, 2021. At 7:30 a.m., with the prayer of Lauds led by the USA-CANADA Province, the third and...
The third and final day of the retreat of our chapter community continues its course, animated by the two Chapter...
Nemi, Italy. August 17, 2021. The Word tore the silence, ordered the chaos, inhabited the world. It became flesh of...
The afternoon was falling and in the midst of the penitential celebration of our first day of retreat we heard the...
Nemi, Italy. August 16, 2021. Wise men repeat it everywhere: all the important things in life require time, lucidity,...
Dear brothers, Like the disciples walking to Emmaus with the Lord beside them (cf. Lk 24:13-35), we have been...
“Let us open ourselves to the outpouring of the Spirit into our hearts and into the heart of our Chapter community”...
Usulután, El Salvador. On Saturday, July 31, 2021, Deacon Juan José Gutiérrez Quinteros, CMF, received his priestly...
Lagos, Nigeria. The Claretian Missionaries of the West Nigeria Delegation joyfully celebrated a bountiful harvest in...
Rome, Italy. As of June 1, 2021, Pope Francis has appointed our brother and friend, Fr. Henry Omonisaye - General...
Würzburg, Germany. "May the assisting presence of God be experienced through you." This is what Bishop Franz Jung told...
San Francisco de Macoris, Dominican Republic. On Friday, July 16, 2021, the Independent Delegation of Antillas...
Madrid, Spain. "In the presence of God, I feel that it is time to begin again", said the newly ordained priest Charles...
Rome, Italy. On July 16, 2021, Fr. Mathew Vattamattan, our Superior General, launched the new website of the Claret...
Madrid, Spain. The missionary Samuel Sueiro seeks, wherever he goes, "to do something as Claretian as adding and doing...
MICLA-ReBiClar. The group "Women: Prophetic Voices" is a biblical reflection team made up of six women (Yolanda...
Barcelona, Spain. "I reaffirm my obedience and faithful disposition to the mission of the Church". With this...
Bangalore, India. In June 1987, the United Nations decided to celebrate the International Day against Drug Abuse and...
Rome, Italy. The film "Claret" about the Father and Founder of our Congregation will be premiered on June 24, 2021, at...
Rome, Italy. Our dear brother Fr. Gustavo Alonso, CMF has reached the edge of life and we remain hopeful that he has...
Northeast India. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the Claretian Team at the United Nations and...
Rome, Italy. Father Luis Enrique Ortiz, CMF and Sister Geraldine Sasirekah Eusebius, RMI have been elected coordinator...
Barcelona, Spain. On Tuesday, June 15, 2021, a meeting was held in Barcelona with the leaders of the Claretian...
Let us contemplate how Mary’s heart was on fire with God’s love and braved what was unimaginable for a village girl of...
On the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we share the last day of the Novena and join in prayer to celebrate the...
You may reflect and pray by accessing the files (video and pdf formats) that you will find each day in our networks....
You may reflect and pray by accessing the files (video and pdf formats) that you will find each day in our networks....
You may reflect and pray by accessing the files (video and pdf formats) that you will find each day in our networks....