The Congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians) celebrated the sacred calling of new...
“We exercise the service of authority in a synodal, responsible and transparent way”. Meeting of Superiors in Central America
Guatemala City: From 14 to 17 February, the annual Meeting of Local Superiors of the Province of Centroamérica...
Centroamérica Provincial Assembly 2022
San José, Costa Rica. On July 4, 2022, at the Casa de Ejercicios Espirituales, the 2019-2026 midterm Provincial...
“United for their love and their option for the Kingdom” Eddy and Massiel, from the Church of the Heart of Mary in...
“I know the youth’s reality and their life questions. The encounter with the living God motivates me to accompany the...
Claretian Youth Gathering of Panama
Panama, Panama. On the weekend of September 1 and 2, 2018, the Youth Ministry of Panama (JUCLA PA) held a vigil, its...
The ReBiClar Encounter Has Concluded
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This year's ReBiClar Encounter held at the San Francisco de Sales Conference House in Rio de...
Perpetual Profession of Bro. Henry Omar Hernández Hernández, CMF
San Jose, Costa Rica. Bro. Henry Omar Hernández Hernández, CMF pronounced his perpetual vows in the hands of Fr....
Situation in Nicaragua and Our Journey with the People
San Jose, Costa Rica. Fr. Artur Teixeira, CMF, General Prefect of Apostolate, who is currently in Centroamérica,...
Centroamérica Quinquennio 2018
Heredia, Costa Rica. As part of the ongoing formation process of the members of the Claretian Province of...
3rd MICLA Assembly in Panama and Its New Government
Panama, Panama. The 3rd Assembly of the Claretian Missionaries of America (MICLA) is currently being held in Panama...
WYD 2019 + CF Invitation
Here is the invitation video for the upcoming World Youth Day 2019 in Claretian Family event to be held on January 17...
Meeting of Local Superiors of the Province of Centroamérica
San Jose, Costa Rica. In the House of Spiritual Exercises of San José, Costa Rica, the annual Meeting of Local...
2012 ‘5th Year Experience’ in Central America
Panamá. From October 28th to November 3rd at the ‘Monte Alverna’ retreat house in Panama City the ‘5th Year Reunion’...
Beginning of the Novitiate and First Professions at the Claretian Novitiate of Central America
Guatemala City, Guatemala. On Saturday the 4th of August 2012, on the occasion of the celebration of our brother...
Claretian Educators: “Sowers of Hope”
La Plata, Argentina. Under the theme “Claretian Educators: Sowers of Hope” educators from the 10 schools of the...
Youth Biblical Contests
San Salvador, El Salvador. With the theme: “We are the new generation of the Word”, the SEBIJUCLA (Servico Bíblico...
The CEFyT Affiliates with the Pontifical Lateran University
Córdoba, Argentina. The Congregation for Catholic Education has approved the Affiliation of the CEFyT (Centro de...
‘Romero + Claretian Family’ Gathering in Central America
San Salvador, El Salvador. From the 23 – 24th of March in El Salvador there was a bringing-together of representatives...
‘Multi-Use Center’ for Children and Youth in Panamá
Metetí, Panamá. The Foundation “Sembradores de Esperanza” [Sowers of Hope] with the collaboration of the NGO “Manos...
Youth Ministry Encounter in Guatemala
Mixco, Guatemala. From September 23 – 25 at the Claret Parish of this City an Encounter of Youth Ministry was held...
Encounter of Fith Year Claretians in Central America
Roatán, Honduras. From the 14th to the 19th of September, on the island of Roatán (Honduras), the formation Encounter...
Seventh Encounter of Vocation Promoters of Central America
La Ceiba, Honduras. In Centro CLaret at La Ceiba, the Seventh Provincial Encounter of Vocation Promoters of Central...
III Claretian Formation Encounter of for Shared Mission
Guatemala, C.A. From the 18 -23 of July at the Claret Retreat House of this city, the III Formation Encounter for...
Encounter of “Biblical Ministries” in Argentina
Buenos Aires. Argentina. From the 6th to the 7th of May a group of “biblical ministers” met in Florencio Varela –...
Fire in the region of Kuna Yala leaves hundreds homeless
Panamá. Más More than 300 people were left homeless in a fire that occurred in Playon Chico, in the district of Kuna...
Claretian Community raided in Honduras
La Ceiba, Honduras. At midnight of Wednesday 21, some assailants violently burst into the house of the Claretian...
Encounter of Claretian Formators and Formandi
Brazil. Claretians from Argentina-Uruguay, Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay Mission gathered in the “Nossa Senhora do...
Tragedies of the poor in El Salvador
El Salvador. The following very short note came to us from the Claretians of the Republic, together with some stunning...