Rome, Italy. On April 14, 2020, Pope Francis has appointed His Excellency, Msgr. Josep Maria Abella Batlle, C.M.F.,...

Rome, Italy. On April 14, 2020, Pope Francis has appointed His Excellency, Msgr. Josep Maria Abella Batlle, C.M.F.,...
The Gospel accounts which tell us of the apparitions of the risen Jesus repeatedly highlight two themes: Jesus’ desire...
Osaka, Japan. At 11 am local time (4am in Rome) today, the 16th of July 2018, on the 169th anniversary of the...
Osaka, Japan. At 11 am Tokyo time (4am in Rome) on Monday, 16th of July 2018, Bishop-elect Msgr. Josep Maria Abella...
Vatican City. The Holy Father appointed Auxiliary Bishops of the Archdiocese of Osaka (Japan) today: Rev. Fr. Josep...
Rome. On November 23rd the USG (Union of Superiors General) concluded their General Assembly in Rome. Fr. José...
Rome. On Monday November 19th the final meeting of the Executive Council of the Union of Superiors General for the...
Roma. Fr. Josep Ma. Abella, CMF, our Superior General, has directed a letter to the Claretian Missionaries soliciting...
Krzydlina Mala, Poland. The Encounter of the General Government with the Major Superiors of Europe continues to...
Rome. Fr. Josep M. Abella, CMF, Superior General, has written the Circular Letter “Missionaries” on the occasion of...
Roma. On Thursday the 11th of October in St. Peter’s Square Pope Benedict XVI presided at the solemn Eucharist in...
Maputo, Mozambique. Fr. Josep M. Abella, CMF is making a visit to the communities of Mozambique. He is being...
Rome. Fr. Josep Ma. Abella, CMF, Superior General of the Congregation, sends us his Easter Message. It is an...
Barcelona, Spain. The “La Vanguardia” newspaper has published an interview with Fr. Josep Ma. Abella, CMF conducted on...
Lagos, Nigeria. Between Thursday the 27th of October and Thursday the 3rd of November the Fr General, Josep Maria...
Rome. The General Government and those of us entrusted with the mission of information wish the whole Congregation and...
Rome. The academic year for 2011-2012 was inaugurated on October 21st at the Theological Institute for Religious Life...
Roma. From September 28th to October 1st an encounter of the Directors of the Centers of Superior Studies, which are...
Talagante, Chile. From July 15 – 17 the New Province of “San José del Sur” celebrated their 1st Assembly at the ‘Casa...
Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo. From June 7 -21, Fr. General, Josep. Ma. Abella, in the company of Fr....
Roma. The 77th Union of Superiors Generals (USG) was celebrated at the “Salesianum” in Rome. The theme centered on a...
Yaoundé, Cameroon. An Assembly of the Claretians who live and work in Cameroon was held in Nkolbisson on May 13th. Fr....
Roma. The 76th Biannual Assembly of the Union of Superior Generals (USG) held in Rome, finished on November 26th with...
Roma. On the ocassion of the 161st Anniversary of the Congregation, Fr. General sends his greetings to all claretians...
Hong Kong. On July 5 an Assembly of the Claretians of the mission in China began. They will be gathered in the...
Canada. With respect to the earthquake in Chile, Fr. Josep Maria Abella, the Superior General, has sent a second...
Canada. Desde Montreal, donde se encuentra estos días el Superior General, P. Josep M. Abella, se ha dirigido en una...
India. Bangalore, January 23, 2010 To the Major Superiors of the Cogregation Dear brothers, I send you kind regards...
Rome. The Union of Superiors General (USG), gathered in ordinary Assembly from Wednesday 25 to Friday 27 of November,...
Rome. As it is becoming traditional, Fr. General, Josep Abella has also addressed this year the “October Letter” to...
Rome Dear brothers: The General Chapter has asked me to continue in the service of animating the life of the...