Rome, Italy. From December 10 to 13, 2024, the XLIX "Convegno Claretianum" gathered participants under the theme...

Rome, Italy. From December 10 to 13, 2024, the XLIX "Convegno Claretianum" gathered participants under the theme...
Rome, Italy. After nine years of dedicated service in the General Government, where he served as Secretary of...
Rome, Italy. On October 24, 2024, the Claretian Family gathered at the Basilica del Sacro Cuore Immacolato di Maria in...
Rome, Italy. The Claretian missionaries in Rome gathered to commemorate the Feast of Saint Joseph, patron of the...
Rome, Italy. As part of the Jubilee celebration of the Claretian Missionaries, the Superior General Fr. Mathew...
Rome, Italy. In a world marked by conflicts and challenges, the Pontifical Institute of Theology of Consecrated Life,...
The entire Claretian Congregation and the branches of the Claretian Family around the world joyfully celebrated the...
Formia, Italy. The Claretian Missionaries of the General Curia have embarked on a spiritual retreat from September...
From 10 to 17 August 2023, the Council for Youth Ministry of the Claretian Missionaries met at the General Curia (in...
Rome, Italy. On March 19, 2023, St. Joseph's Day, approximately fifty Claretian Missionaries residing in Rome...
Rome, Italy: The Claretian Missionaries of the General Curia celebrated their monthly meeting of ongoing formation on...
The academic community of the Institute of Theology of Consecrated Life 'Claretianum' in Rome experienced a...
Not many people know this place where 125 years ago the first community of the Congregation in Italy was founded,...
Rome, Italy. The Claretians of Rome decided to anticipate the Feast of the Founder to Sunday afternoon in order to...
Rome, Italy. On August 28, 2022, Cardinal Juan de la Caridad García Rodríguez, Archbishop of the Metropolitan...
Rome, Italy. To celebrate its golden year of service to Consecrated Life, Instituto di Teologia della Vita Consacrata...
Rome, Italy. On Holy Tuesday evening, April 12, 2022, soprano and alto voices and the sound of violins and cellos...
Rome, Italy. Claretian Missionaries from the three General Houses and some from Sanctus Paulus Province in Rome...
Rome, Italy. Last February 11, newspapers around the world echoed Pope Francis' Motu Proprio, entitled Fidem servare...
Rome, Italy. The Claretianum Institute of Theology of Religious Life was established by decree of the Congregation for...
Rome, Italy. Our dear brother Fr. Gustavo Alonso, CMF has reached the edge of life and we remain hopeful that he has...
Rome, Italy. The Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples desired to recognize and distinguish Fr. Joseph...
The Institutes of Consecrated Life in Rome and Madrid celebrate 50 years of service to consecrated persons around the...
Rome, Italy. The magazine "Commentarium pro religiosis et missionariis" commemorates one hundred years of publication;...
Rome, Italy. On 10 April 2021, Pope Francis appointed Father Xabier Larrañaga Oyarzabal, CMF, Director of the...
Rome, Italy. On March 19, the General Curia community celebrated, as it does every year, the feast of its patron, St....
In concordance with the General Council, Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, CMF, Superior General, has appointed Fr. Joseph...
Rome, Italy. On Friday, February 26, the three communities of the Generalate regime in Rome, General Curia, Iuridicum...
Rome, Italy. On February 24, the General Governments of the Claretian Missionary Sisters RMI and of the Congregation...
Rome, Italy. In 1959 the International Claretian College (Claretianum) in Rome was inaugurated. A little later...
Rome, Italy. On Friday, December 18, 2020, unidentified burglars entered the General Administration Office of the...
Rome, Italy. To support the Religious who are engaged in Social Apostolates, intensive training on Project Management...
Rome, Italy. Responding to the call of Pope Francis and following the theme "Everything is Connected," the Claretian...
Rome, Italy. Far from the usual celebration of the Feast of St. Joseph, copatron of the Congregation and patron of the...
Rome, Italy. All Claretians in all three General Houses (General Curia, Juridicum, Claretianum) in Rome are safe....
Rome, Italy. On January 15, 2020, before a very qualified audience, the Auribus project was presented at the Legal...
Rome, Italy. Although the designated date for the Memoria of the departed members of the Congregation is on the 5th of...
Rome, Italy. The inauguration ceremony, presided by Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Buonomo, Rector of the Pontifical Lateran...
Rome, Italy. After the Mass in honor of St. Anthony Mary Claret on Thursday evening, October 24, 2019 at the Basilica...