Dear brothers, After the conclusion of the XXVI General Chapter, the delegates are back to their communities with joy...

Dear brothers, After the conclusion of the XXVI General Chapter, the delegates are back to their communities with joy...
Nemi, Italy. September 11, 2021. The XXVI General Chapter of the Congregation has lived its last day. Although the...
Nemi, Italy. September 10, 2021. After yesterday's visit to Pope Francis, the capitular road is heading towards the...
Nemi, Italy. September 9, 2021. The Chapter has only a few days left but our community does not lose the vigor of...
Nemi, Italy. September 8, 2021. Today, September 8, Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, the members of the delegations...
Nemi, Italy. September 6, 2021. With grateful hearts for the five hundred years of Catholic faith in the Philippines...
Nemi, Italy. September 6, 2021. The routine that often characterizes our daily life, preventing us from perceiving...
Nemi, Italy. September 4, 2021. Today, the first Saturday of September, our confreres of the Province of...
Nemi, Italy. September 3, 2021. The day began with the Eucharistic celebration in the Syro-Malabar rite, presided over...
Nemi, Italy. September 2, 2021. The amazement experienced by the apostles in this day's Gospel is similar to what we...
[envira-gallery id="104192"] Nemi, Italy. September 1, 2021. A new month dawns and with it our prayer becomes a...
During the morning session of Wednesday, September 1, 2021, the General Chapter elected the consultors who will assist...
Nemi, Italy. August 31, 2021. The first Chapter meeting of this last day of August took place around the altar of the...
Nemi, Italy. August 30, 2021. A joyful and singular day. The chapter community continues its journey. A chapter can be...
During the morning session of this Monday, August 30, 2021, the Chapter re-elected Fr. Mathew Vattamattam CMF, as...
Nemi, Italy. August 28, 2021. God's dream remains a just and peaceful world, a world where gratitude has diluted every...
Nemi, Italy. August 27, 2021. We begin a new stage of the Chapter sharing the dreams that we dream for the...
Nemi, Italy. August 26, 2021. There is much to be gained if we allow the living space to unveil its mysteries that are...
Nemi, Italy. August 25, 2021. Ten days have passed since the beginning of our General Chapter. The journey continues...
Nemi, Italy. August 24, 2021. Today we welcomed Fr. Pius Thuruthiyil (Northeast India) and Fr. Lawrence V. (Kolkata)...
Nemi, Italy. August 23, 2021. After a Sunday of rest, in which we were able to enjoy the tranquility of this house in...
Nemi. Italy. August 21, 2021. The first week of our XXVI General Chapter has gone according to plan. Today we began...
Nemi. Italy. August 20, 2021. Yesterday we were visited by the rain; today we dawn with a fresh breeze coming up from...
Nemi. Italy. August 19, 2021. Still savoring the echoes of the three days of retreat, the Chapter Assembly enters a...
Nemi, Italy. August 18, 2021. At 7:30 a.m., with the prayer of Lauds led by the USA-CANADA Province, the third and...
The third and final day of the retreat of our chapter community continues its course, animated by the two Chapter...
Nemi, Italy. August 17, 2021. The Word tore the silence, ordered the chaos, inhabited the world. It became flesh of...
The afternoon was falling and in the midst of the penitential celebration of our first day of retreat we heard the...
Nemi, Italy. August 16, 2021. Wise men repeat it everywhere: all the important things in life require time, lucidity,...
Dear brothers, Like the disciples walking to Emmaus with the Lord beside them (cf. Lk 24:13-35), we have been...
“Let us open ourselves to the outpouring of the Spirit into our hearts and into the heart of our Chapter community”...
Click here to watch the live transmission of the opening Eucharist of the XXVI General Chapter Clica aquí para...
Click on the following link to download and read the Circular Letter of our Superior General, Father Mathew...
On August 15, 2021, God willing, we will celebrate our XXVI General Chapter. Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, CMF calls the...
Rome, Italy. The Information Services Department of the General Secretariat commissioned a team to prepare the site...
Dear Brothers, “You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a...
We present to you the fourth video of the series “Towards the XXVI General Chapter,” in line with and entitled like...
Dear brothers, we start with a passage from the Bible: John 17. "Holy Father, keep them in thy name, which thou hast...