Las Palmas, Spain. A movable exposition called "Historia de un regalo de Dios para Canarias" by Miguel Ángel Sosa was...

Las Palmas, Spain. A movable exposition called "Historia de un regalo de Dios para Canarias" by Miguel Ángel Sosa was...
Vic, Spain. The recent bicentennial of the birth of Father Jaume Clotet has inspired Pablo Navarro, a member of the...
Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. The "Claret, 170 years of his arrival in Cuba" exhibit ended on March 12, 2023. Organized by...
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. On the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the arrival of St. Anthony Mary Claret...
Barcelona, Spain: The closing of the bicentenary of Fr. Clotet, co-founder of the Claretian Missionaries, was...
The Bicentenary year of Fr. Clotet has been marked by a wealth of reflection and activity. Fr. Juan Carlos Martos CMF,...
On the occasion of the Bicentenary of the birth of Fr. Jaime Clotet, the Superior General of the Claretian...
Rome, Italy. The General Prefecture of Spirituality and Community Life already released the 2022 version of the...
The Twelfth General Chapter of 1922 (Aug. 15-Oct. 12), in its 25th session, said, "Not having sufficient instruments...
Rome, Italy. On August 28, 2022, Cardinal Juan de la Caridad García Rodríguez, Archbishop of the Metropolitan...
On the eve of the Bicentenary of the Birth of Jaime Clotet Fabrés, Cofounder of the Congregation of Missionaries Sons...
I was working as a priest-econome in a small town in the diocese, very satisfied with my position. But since it seemed...
Medellín, 5 July 2022 Dear Brothers, Warm greetings from Medellín, Colombia, where yesterday we began the second round...
Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Escritos Marianos, Portuguese version translated by Fr. Américo Paulo dos Santos Freitas...
Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. On February 16, 2022, 171 years after the arrival of the new Archbishop, Antonio María Claret,...
Rome, Italy. The film "CLARET," as it continues its international distribution, will air on prime time television of...
Today, February 4, 2022, as we celebrate the death anniversary of Fr. Jaime Clotet, one of the co-founders of our...
Last Thursday, January 13, the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome hosted a meeting to reflect on: "How to...
THE LOOM OF THE CLARETIAN FAMILY December 6, 2021. The encounter of the Claretian family continues and today we have...
Rome, Italy. On Saturday, November 13, at 2:00 p.m. Madrid time, about two hundred people from different continents...
Until recently there was an inherited tradition about the priestly ordination of Fr. José Xifré in Rome, that is to...
Mexico City, Mexico. On Sunday, October 24, in full celebration of our founder, in the temple of San Antonio María...
Yaoundé, Cameroon. On Monday, October 25, 2021, Claretian missionaries in Cameroon celebrated the Solemnity of St....
Dear brothers, Wish you a joyful celebration of the feast of our Founder, St. Anthony Mary Claret. Though the global...
Vic, Spain. The Solemnity of St. Anthony Mary Claret in 2021 falls on a Sunday. It is a beautiful opportunity to share...
Rome, Italy. The film "Claret" about the Father and Founder of our Congregation will be premiered on June 24, 2021, at...
La Maya, Cuba. Last February 16 was the 170th anniversary of the arrival of Antonio María Claret to the Archdiocese of...
Rome, Italy. On February 24, the General Governments of the Claretian Missionary Sisters RMI and of the Congregation...
Vic, Spain. On the eve of the 150th death anniversary and Solemnity of St. Anthony Mary Claret, a small group of...
Dear brothers, 150 years ago, our beloved father and Founder of our charismatic family, St. Anthony Mary Claret, was...
Rome, Italy. The triduum of prayer in preparation for the Solemnity of Saint Anthony Mary Claret prepared by the...
Here is the schedule of activities for the Closing of the 150th Death Anniversary of St. Anthony Mary Claret on...
Hanoi, Vietnam. There is no better way to understand, know the aspirations, inspirations, dreams, spirituality of a...
Rome, Italy. Hundred and fifty-nine years ago, at 7:00 in the evening of Agust 26, 1861, in front of the image of the...
We are pleased to communicate to the entire Claretian Family and to all who are interested in the figure of Saint...
Vic, Spain. Fr. Josep Maria Armesto Miró, one of the priests of the parish of Santa Maria in the city of Castelldefels...
Vic, Spain. The presentation of a fundamental book on Claret, entitled in Spanish “Las misiones populares del Padre...
Message 24th October 2019 Dear brothers, In this extraordinary Missionary month of October, we enter the 150th year of...