Bangalore, India. Although limitations and restrictions continue for a second consecutive year due to the pandemic and...
Two New Formation Houses in Africa
Bata, Equatorial Guinea. The first new Formation House is the new Novitiate House of Padre Xifré Independent...
Celebrations in Claret Nivas in Sri Lanka
Kandy, Sri Lanka. For three consecutive days, in honor of the Memoria of our Claretian Martyrs, the Claret Nivas...
Celebration of the Beginning of the Postulancy
Kupang, Indonesia. On the day of the liturgical celebration of the Claretian Martyrs of Barbastro, 38 young men (7...
XV Assembly of the Claretian Students of Brazil
Juatuba-MG, Brazil. From the 18 – 22nd of February, the formators and formandi from the Claretian Province of Brazil...