Don Benito, Spain. In the final days of February 2019, with a certain delay over what was scheduled, the commemorative...
Perpetual Profession of Sch. José Enrique García Rizo, CMF
Seville, Spain. Student José Enrique García Rizo, CMF professed his Perpetual Vows in the hands of the Provincial...
#LightForOthers 3
Irene, an engineer looking for her first job, explains her mission in the university ministry of the Diocese of...
#LightForOthers 2
Guille, 22, still does not find a clear answer to why he started being APJ, because it is something he never imagined,...
“An APJ’s responsibility goes beyond catechesis, it is lived.” – Lucia Muñoz Alberto and Teresa are both 20 years old...
“The Prophet”: Annual Meeting of APJ of Bética
Loja, Spain. From 11 to 14 October 2018, the Annual Meeting of APJ (Agents of Youth Ministry) of the Province of...
Provincial Encounter of Evangelization and Communication of the Province of Bética
Malaga, Spain. The first Provincial Encounter of Evangelization and Communication of the Province of Bética of about...
XLVII Meeting of Claretian Parishes of Bética
Malaga, Spain. On September 1 to 2, 2018, the XLVII Meeting of Claretian Parishes of about 70 participants and with...
Training of New Claret Schools Educators of in Bética Province
Loja, Spain. From 27 to 31 August, 17 new educators from different Claret Schools of the Province of Bética underwent...
Ordinations in Indonesia
Kupang, Indonesia. On August 18, 2018, eight of our young Missionaries were ordained priest by Msgr. Petrus Turang,...
A Week of Meetings at the General Curia
Rome, Italy. Four meetings took place at the General Curia in Rome this past two weeks, June 4 to 15, 2018. The first...
Meeting of the Claretian Youth Ministry of Europe in Catalonia
Barcelona, Spain. The Province of Catalunya hosted the meeting of the Teams and Heads of the Children, Youth and...
125th Anniversary of Don Benito
Don Benito, Spain. Our Congregation is celebrating the 125th Anniversary of our presence in Don Benito (Badajoz,...
XV Interprovincial Meeting of Claretian Parishes
Madrid, Spain. On March 17 and 18, the 15th Interprovincial Meeting of Parishes, organized by the Claretian...
Interprovincial Gathering of Ordinands in Granada
Granada, Spain. From 9 to 11 February the second Inter-provincial gathering of Ordinands of this year was held at the...
IV Meeting on Claretian Social Projects in Europe “
Bilbao, Spain. From the 11th to the 14th of July in the "Claret Enea" building of the Plaza del Corazon de Maria in...
Lay Claretian Named as “Revealing Actor”
Málaga, Spain. Lay Claretian Joaquín Núñez was nominated for the “Goya Awards” “revealing actor” for his role in the...
VII Provincial Assembly of Betica
Sevilla, Spain. The Province of Betica celebrated its VII Assembly at the “Betania” spirituality house in San Juan de...
“Fidelity”: A Deepening of the Vocation Ministry
Sevilla, Spain. The XVII Chapter of the Province of Bética, along the lines of the General Chapter, highlighted...
VIII Encounter of Claretian Parish Animators of Spain
Madrid, Spain. From the 10th to the 12th of February, for the eighth time, the Claretian provinces of Spain have...
Bética Celebrates It’s Annual Formation Encounter
Sevilla, Spain. Every year the Claretians of Bética celebrate a formation encounter in the month of February. The...
Meeting of Formators in Iberia
Granada, Spain. From July 25 – 29, 2011 the annual meeting of all the formators and prefects of Formation from the...
Meeting of the Provincial Governments of Iberia
Sevilla, España. From June 17-20 at the Provincial Curia of Bética, the key members of the Governments of the...
Publications Remembering the Martyrs of the Province of Betica
Sevilla, Spain. The month of August 2011 celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of more than 260 Claretian...
Servant of God Fr. José María Ruiz Cano
Spain. In the afternoon of March 4, 2010, the Claretians of the Province of Betica were able to see their illusion...
Betica Chapter. The year ends, not the work
Spain. On December 31, after the Morning Praise, prepared by Juan Ramón Gómez, we prepare to begin a Chapter work day....
New provincial curia of Betica
Spain. On December 21, the new Curia of the Province of Betica was blessed and inaugurated. The act was presided over...