Not many people know this place where 125 years ago the first community of the Congregation in Italy was founded,...

Not many people know this place where 125 years ago the first community of the Congregation in Italy was founded,...
The Twelfth General Chapter of 1922 (Aug. 15-Oct. 12), in its 25th session, said, "Not having sufficient instruments...
I was working as a priest-econome in a small town in the diocese, very satisfied with my position. But since it seemed...
In remembering Reverend Fr. Martin Alsina 100 years after his death, it is not a question here of recalling the...
Until recently there was an inherited tradition about the priestly ordination of Fr. José Xifré in Rome, that is to...
Rome, Italy. It was not by chance that it was the day of St. Teresa, I am sure. The lady traveler joined the small...
Rome, Italy. On March 19, the General Curia community celebrated, as it does every year, the feast of its patron, St....
Rome, Italy. In 1959 the International Claretian College (Claretianum) in Rome was inaugurated. A little later...
Vatican City. Pope Francis, during his audience on Wednesday, September 2, 2020, announced at the end of his...
Madrid, Spain. "Los falsificadores de Dios" (God's Counterfeiters) is the title that journalist Julio Núñez has given...
We are pleased to communicate to the entire Claretian Family and to all who are interested in the figure of Saint...
Vic, Spain. Fr. Josep Maria Armesto Miró, one of the priests of the parish of Santa Maria in the city of Castelldefels...
Our missionaries arrived in Brazil on November 19, 1895. They disembarked in the port of Santos and, on the same day,...
Like the Founder, who unable to preach in Spain crossed the Mediterranean to go to Rome and offer himself to the...
Little was spoken about what was the first mission of a Congregation that, with barely 20 years and an exile in its...
From November 1868 to October 1879, our Congregation found a safe haven in southern France to pass the revolutionary...
On November 21, 1918, Fr. Julián Munárriz, provincial superior of Castile, and Fr. Lorenzo Alabert, superior of the...