Claretian Spirituality Congress

Chronicle Of the 8th Day Of the Claretian Spirituality Congress – July 15, 2024

Today, early in the morning, after breakfast, we left for Sallent, where Fr. Claret was born. Divided into two groups by language, we set out to visit both the museum and the parish church. Both places brought to our hearts the humble origins of our founder, his young...

Chronicle of the 4th Day of the Claretian Spirituality Congress – July 11, 2024

Today, we celebrated the feast of Saint Benedict, the patron saint of Europe, and the Contemplative Life of the West. We remembered him during the morning prayer, which took place in the assembly hall of the Vic Museum. After that, Frs. Edgardo Guzmán and Pedro...

Chronicle of the 3rd Day of the Claretian Spirituality Congress – July 10, 2024

After having breakfast at 8:00 a.m. and participating in the morning prayer of Lauds at 9:00 a.m. at the Episcopal Museum, we commenced our Claretian Spirituality Congress with a presentation titled "175 Years of Claretian Spirituality" by Father Carlos Sánchez...

Chronicle of the 2nd Day of the Claretian Spirituality Congress – July 9, 2024

After the Integration phase, today we entered the second phase, “Where are we coming from?” of the Spirituality Congress. We started the day with a morning prayer led by Fr. Robert Kycia, CMF. The image of Our Lady of Czestochowa figures prominently on the altar as we...