Barbastro, Spain. The events of that October 25 are still very much alive in the memory of many people, but thirty...

Barbastro, Spain. The events of that October 25 are still very much alive in the memory of many people, but thirty...
Jesus, you know,I am your soldier:Always by your sideI will fight.With you alwaysAnd till I dieOne flagAnd an...
Quezon City, Philippines. Tuesday, May 3, 2022, marks the 22nd Death Anniversary of Fr. Rhoel D. Gallardo, CMF, a...
Madrid, Spain. This past week signatures were placed on the first agreement between the Claretian Missionaries and...
Santiago de Chile. On May 14th we celebrated the 108th anniversary since the death of Venerable Father Mariano...
Zaragoza, Spain. The Archbishop of Zaragosa, one of the principal cities of Sapin, and the other four Bishops of the...
Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco (México). In the afternoon of Saturday the 21st and Sunday the 22nd of April, during the...
León, Guanajuato (México). On the 23rd to the 26th of March, Pope Benedict XVI has experienced in Mexico the first...
Barbastro, Spain. Msgr. Alfonso Milián, Bishop of the Diocese of Barbastro- Monzón, presided in the Cathedral at the...
Madrid, Spain. The main Spanish television network, RTVE (, will rebroadcast from Barbastro on Sunday, the...
Cervera, Spain. This past Sunday, September18, the Claretian family of Catalonia celebrated in Cervera and Mas Claret...
Guatemala, C.A. From the 18 -23 of July at the Claret Retreat House of this city, the III Formation Encounter for...
Barbastro, Spain. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of our Martyrs of 1936, among them those of Barbastro, the...
Sevilla, Spain. The month of August 2011 celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of more than 260 Claretian...
Madrid, España. The ‘Centinela’ magazine, produced by the Delegation of Infancy and Youth in the Archidiocese of...
Roma. The liturgical memoria of Blessed Andres Solá CMF and Companions is celebrated on the 20th of November. Their...
Barbastro, Spain. The Province of Santiago has started a remembrance-homage to the Martyrs of Barbastro in their 75th...
Vatican City. On July 1st the Vatican information service announced that the Holy Father has authorized the...
Santiago de Chile. The Venerable Fr. Mariano Avellana has integrated the exhibition “Guardians of the Soul of Chile”...
Barbastro, Spain. The twenty new rooms fitted out in the house of Barbastro to receive Claretians and qualified...
Spain. On the occasion of the request of authorization to transfer the remains of Fr. Ruiz from Sigüenza to Seville,...
Spain. In the afternoon of March 4, 2010, the Claretians of the Province of Betica were able to see their illusion...
Mexico. On November 19 and 20, 2009, Frs. Juan Carlos Martos and Alejandro Cerón visited the community of León, Gto....
Spain. On Sunday, September 20, the memory was celebrated of the Claretians who suffered martyrdom in MAS CLARET, in...
Rome. In the afternoon of Monday 7, Pope Benedict XVI presided over a celebration of the Word in the Basilica of Saint...
Spain. We take from the newspaper Alto Aragón (March 11, 2008) a report signed by Ángel Huget, which we offer to our...
Spain. We have completed the third week of the course for formators. This time it was more of an interior journey as...