Hong Kong. Claretian Publications Hong Kong is embarking on a transformative journey with the launch of a remarkable...
Biblical Ministry and Communication
Claret TV: Celebrating 5 Years of Digital Evangelization and Inspiring Faith Across Borders
Mexico City, Mexico. It's a significant accomplishment for Claret TV of Mexico, as they have reached the five-year...
Proclaiming the Word of God for a Fragile World
Mar del Plata, Argentina. The 10th General Assembly of the Catholic Biblical Federation (CBF) took place from the...
Inauguration of a Hope Centre
Philippines. With a simple but meaningful ceremony, presided by the Papal Nuncio in the Philippines, Archbishop Edgar...
Using MP3 to Teach English in Vietnam
Vietnam. Since 2002, Claretians in the Philippines have been developing a program for teaching English in Vietnam. The...