Quezon City, Philippines. In a vibrant celebration of diversity and cultural richness, the Institute of Consecrated...
Consecrated Life Week XIV 2024: Rooted, Growing, Bearing Fruit
Kupang, Indonesia. The XIV Week of Consecrated Life 2024 brought together men and women from across Indonesia in a...
Graceful Reflection: Korea Independent Delegation Gathering
Seoul, South Korea. From February 5 to 7, 2024, Korea Independent Delegation held its First General Gathering to...
General Canonical Visitation of Fr. Leo to Indonesia – Timor Leste Independent Delegation
Jakarta, Indonesia. On July 5, 2018, Rev. Fr. Leo Dalmao, CMF, General Prefect of Formation at Claretian House,...
“I wish to serve the Amis Aboriginal Catholic group, encourage them to learn our own culture and language. I wish I...
Ruifang Catholic Church Celebrates its 65th Anniversary of Foundation
New Taipei City, Taiwan. The year 2018 was a significant year in the life and mission of Ruifang Sacred Hearts of...
ASCLA-E Major Superiors Meet In Myanmar
Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar. The Major Superiors of ASCLA-E Conference (Philippine Province, East Asia,...
Inauguration of the Claretian House in Hong Kong
“Now be pleased to bless the house of your servant, that it may continue forever in your sight; for you, Sovereign...
Love Overcomes All
Beijing, China. As part of the cooperation with Verbiest Foundation, the General Superior of the Claretian...
Serving by Telling the Story of Our Master
Kupang, Indonesia. Coinciding with the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on May 31, 2018, the Local...
Youth Easter Celebration
Kupang, Indonesia. On the seventh Sunday of Easter, May 13, 2018, coinciding with the 52nd World Communications Day...
Baytalabay Sungun: CSFI And IPMS Student’s Encounter
Maluso, Philippines. On April 21 to 25, 2018, with the joint effort of the IPMS (Indigenous People Mission in...
West Timor Island Animator’s Gathering
Kupang, Indonesia. The Animator's Gathering of the Claret Youth Ministry of the island of West Timor took place from...
Animation for the Young People on the Island of Borneo
Palurejo, Indonesia. The new mission of the Independent Delegation of Indonesia - Timor Leste on the island of Borneo,...
Claret Ormoc Annual Summer Youth Camp
Ormoc City, Philippines. Since 2006, Ormoc Mission has not failed to hold this annual youth gathering in its compound....
TAIZE for Vocations
Kupang, Indonesia. On April 22, in connection with the celebration of the Vocations Sunday, the Youth and Vocations...
Formator’s Group Study
Hera, Timor Leste. Implementing the Action Plan of the Delegation of Indonesia-Timor Leste in improving the ongoing...
Youth Animator’s Formation in East Timor
Lolotoe, East Timor. A Youth Animator’s Formation was held on the 12th April 2018 at the Parish of Nossa Senhora de...
THE SAMAL BAJAUS: The mission of the Claretians
Maluso, Philippines. Claret Samal Foundation, Inc. (CSFI), a foundation founded by the Claretian Missionaries who...
AEYG 2017 + CF Re-echo in Zamboanga City
Zamboanga City, Philippines. From 23 to 26 February, the Commission on Youth Ministry of San Antonio Maria Claret...
Interprovincial Gathering of Ordinands in Granada
Granada, Spain. From 9 to 11 February the second Inter-provincial gathering of Ordinands of this year was held at the...
2018 ASCLA Brothers’ Meeting
Kattuwa-Kurunegala-Kandy, Sri Lanka. WE ARE MISSIONARIES! This opening statement of the Declaration of the 25th...
The 8th Religious Life Week in Kupang
Kupang, Indonesia. Following the invitation of the universal Church to gaze in a special way on the life and the...
Xifre’s Dream Comes True
Palurejo, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. “A Congregation going forth” as demanded by the XXV General Chapter as well...
Claretian Family Day and Thanksgiving Mass in Indonesia for the Beatification of the 109 Claretian Martyrs
Kupang, Indonesia. On October 21st, at 6 pm, the Delegation of Indonesia - Timor Leste celebrated its...
The Philippines Province Prepares Apostolate Plan
Zamboanga, Philippines. The Provincial Apostolate Council composed of the Prefect of Apostolate: Fr. Eduardo Apunga,...
Annual coordination meeting of ASCLA East
Taiwan. From the 8th to the 11th of April the major superiors of ASCLA East (Philippines, East Asia,...
The XIII Provincial Chapter of Philippines has ended
Quezon City, Philippines. 18-01-2012. Indeed it was a graceful moment for the Claretian Congregation much more for the...
New Provincial Government of Philippines
The province of Philippines elected a new Provincial Government for a period of 3 years. There are four consultors of...
Provincial Chapter of the Philippines Begins
Manila. On January 13 a total of thirty Claretians, under the Presidency of Fr. Mathew Vattamattan, CMF, have begun...
Chinese Biblical Team
Macau. Convened by the Fr. Alberto Rossa, CMF, a group of expert professionals in biblical studies met in our house in...
The “Akenohoshi” Kindergarten celebrates the “Feast of Children”
Osaka, Japan. Since ancient times in the month of November boys who complete 3 and 5 years; and girls who complete 3...
Parish of the Assumption Celebrates 60 Years in Keelung, Taiwan
Keelung, Taiwan. This past August 19th in Keelung, Taiwan, the Parish of Our Lady of the Assumption celebrated its...
Celebration of the Beginning of the Postulancy
Kupang, Indonesia. On the day of the liturgical celebration of the Claretian Martyrs of Barbastro, 38 young men (7...
1st ASCLA-East Brothers’ Gathering
The Claretian brothers of ASCLA East held their first Brothers’ Gathering from July 24 to 30 in the Philippines to...
Declaration of the Philippine Claretians Against the Assasination of Workers in Tumahubong
Basilan, Philippines. The Claretians of the Philippines have published a letter of condemnation against the acts of...
Perpetual Profession of Brother Antony Vo Van Tung. Vietnam
Quezon City, Philippines. June 29th – the feast of Apostles Peter and Paul in the Catholic Church was a special day...
Queen Sophia of Spain Visits Various Projects of the Claretians in the Philippines
Zamboanga, Philippines. On July 5th Queen Sophia of Spain visited Colegio Claret of Zamboanga and the Katilingban para...
ASCLA-E Bible Ministry in Macao
Macao. On June 20 and 21 Claretians from ASCLA East met in Macao to share about and study the way to promote Bible...