Indonesia – Timor Leste

Consecrated Life Week XV 2025: Living the Consecration, Fidelity, and Witness in a VUCA World

Kupang, Indonesia. The Independent Delegation of Indonesia-Timor Leste held the 15th Consecrated Life Week from January 30 to February 1, 2025, under the theme “Living the Consecration, Fidelity, and Witness in a VUCA World.” VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty,...

Consecrated Life Week XIV 2024: Rooted, Growing, Bearing Fruit

Kupang, Indonesia. The XIV Week of Consecrated Life 2024 brought together men and women from across Indonesia in a virtual gathering focused on the theme "Towards the Renewal of Consecrated Life: Rooted, Growing, and Bearing Fruit." Hosted online via Zoom from...

The General Assembly and the New Delegation Government of Indonesia-Timor Leste Independent Delegation 2023-2026

Kupang, Indonesia. The General Assembly of the Indonesia-Timor Leste Independent Delegation took place from November 8 to 13, 2023, under the theme "Rooted, Growing & Bearing Fruit" at Wisma Claretian Benlutu, Indonesia. The Assembly was presided over by Fr....

Claretian Ordinations and Religious Professions: A Journey of Faith and Service

In a series of ordinations to the sacred orders and religious profession across different Claretian Major Organisms worldwide, the Claretian community continues to celebrate and mark significant milestones within its fold. These moments of spiritual significance serve...