All hail the All hail the mission in the Independent Delegation of Indonesia-Timor Leste. On March 7, 2025, the...

All hail the All hail the mission in the Independent Delegation of Indonesia-Timor Leste. On March 7, 2025, the...
Kupang, Indonesia. The Independent Delegation of Indonesia-Timor Leste held the 15th Consecrated Life Week from...
Kupang, Indonesia. The XIV Week of Consecrated Life 2024 brought together men and women from across Indonesia in a...
Kupang, Indonesia. The General Assembly of the Indonesia-Timor Leste Independent Delegation took place from November 8...
In a series of ordinations to the sacred orders and religious profession across different Claretian Major Organisms...
Benlutu, Indonesia. In responding to the call of the XXVI General Chapter to exercise the gift of service of...
The Congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians) celebrated the sacred calling of new...
Benlutu, Indonesia. In quenching the spiritual thirst to drink from the source of our Claretian spirituality (cf. QC....
Kupang, Indonesia: Over 300 consecrated men and women from various countries gathered online for the XIII Religious...
On December 12, 2022, formators from different formation houses in the Delegation gathered together at Wisma Claretian...
Benlutu, Indonesia: The members of the Delegation represented by all local community superiors, mission coordinator of...
Yogjakarta, Indonesia. On the 173rd Foundation Anniversary of the Congregation, the Claretian Missionaries of...
Kupang, Indonesia. Coinciding with the Feast of the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth and the celebration of Claretian...
Kupang, Indonesia. In realizing the Congregational as well as Delegation Dream and commitments mandated by the XXVI...
Kupang, Indonesia. Fr. Valens Agino, CMF, Major Superior of Indonesia-Timor Leste Independent Delegation Leste, during...
Jogjakarta, Indonesia. In his address for the opening of the synod on Synodality, Pope Francis said that we are called...
A CALL TO BE ROOTED IN CHRIST AND AUDACIOUS IN GIVING WITNESS Kupang – Indonesia. It has been a blessing for...
Madrid, Spain. Last Sunday, October 18, three Indonesian brothers, Arnaldus Yansen Feka CMF, Matheuz Soares CMF and...
Madrid, Espagne. Dimanche dernier, le 18 octobre, trois frères indonésiens, Arnaldus Yansen Feka CMF, Matheuz Soares...
Benlutu - Soe - Indonesia. Responding to the call of the XXVI General Chapter to be rooted in Christ and be audacious...
Barcelona, Spain. "I reaffirm my obedience and faithful disposition to the mission of the Church". With this...
Indonesia. On Sunday, April 4, several islands in the southeastern archipelago of Indonesia were hit by tropical...
Kupang, Indonesia. Faith is not only expressed and celebrated in liturgical ceremonies, but must also bear real fruit...
Tarus-Noelbaki, Indonesia. Eugenius Paul Madoni, CMF (Delegation Econome), accompanied by Fr. Cyprianus Asa, CMF and...
Rome, Italy. On March 1, the Formation Program for New Major Superiors of our Congregation and for those who, although...
Kupang, Indonesia. From January 18 to 20, 2021, the 11th Week of Religious Life was held, through the Zoom platform,...
Kupang - Indonesia. In the context of the COVID 19 pandemic, which has brought suffering and pain to so many people,...
Lembata, Indonesia. On Sunday, November 29, 2020, Mount Ile Lewotolok, located in Lembata Regency, Flores Island, East...
Rome, Italy. On October 12, 2020, during the regular session of the General Government, Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, CMF,...
Kupang, Indonesia. Indonesia – Timor Leste Independent Delegation will send more missionaries for the universal...
Kupang, Indonesia. Transformation is always at the heart of any formative process. In line with this profound...
Kupang, Indonesia. The Claretian Missionaries of Indonesia-Timor Leste Independent Delegation is celebrating its 10th...
Kupang, Indonesia. The yearly Delegation Assembly of the Indonesia - Timor Leste Independent Delegation started on...
Yogyakarta, Indonesia. On October 24, 2019, the Solemnity of our Father Founder, St. Anthony Mary Claret, seven young...
Kupang, Indonesia. On October 19, 2019, Bishop Petrus Turang of the Archdiocese of Kupang ordained six young Claretian...
Kurunegala, Sri Lanka. The Claretian International Novitiate, also known as Casa St. Claret, is in the place called...
Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The Project Management Training for Indonesia-Timor Leste Independent Delegation conducted by...
Ragama, Sri Lanka. All Provincial and Delegation Secretaries of the ten Organisms of Asia underwent a training...
Dili, East Timor. Aware of the realities and challenges of East and Southeast Asia, the Claretian Family gathered once...