Mission Procure

Enlighten and encourage Claretian commitment in Solidarity and Mission (SOMI)

Rome, Italy. The General Curia of the Claretian Missionaries in Rome hosted a meeting of the General Team of Solidarity and Mission (SOMI) of the Congregation during the first days of November 2023, with the participation of its six members. Frs. Pedro Belderrain, CMF...

Claretian Mission Day: Celebrating faith, communion and charity

To promote the Claretian Charism and the mission in the peripheries, the General Mission Procure of the Congregation fixed an annual event on Divine Mercy Sunday or the 2nd Sunday of Easter called “Claretian Mission Day.” This year's celebration will take place on...

PMF Advanced 2022 Training Programme held in Nemi, Rome

The project training platform of the Claretian Missionaries conducted PMF Advanced 2022 training programme from 21 to 25 November in Nemi, Rome. The programme was conducted in a hybrid mode with online and onsite participants. There were 59 participants in which 31...

53 Claretian Mission Projects approved to be funded

Rome, Italy. The General Mission Procure Council comes together twice a year to study the projects presented to the General Mission Procure by the Major Organisms. This year, on October 28, 2022, the General Mission Procure Council took place at the General Curia in...