Rome, Italy. The General Curia of the Claretian Missionaries in Rome hosted a meeting of the General Team of...

Rome, Italy. The General Curia of the Claretian Missionaries in Rome hosted a meeting of the General Team of...
In a global display of faith and environmental stewardship, Claretian communities around the world have joined hands...
Rome, Italy. The Superior General, Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, CMF, has announced that in the last months of this year Fr....
Ngaremara, Kenya. On October 15th Fr. Thadeus Osuala, CMF wrote a letter to Bro. Robert Omondi, CMF, director of the...
Yaoundé, Cameroon. A meeting was held in this city from September 6th to 10th of 2011 by Claretian prefects and those...
Jimaní, Dominican Republic. This coming September 1st will mark the beginning of the second year of the Program of Lay...
Guatemala, C.A. From the 18 -23 of July at the Claret Retreat House of this city, the III Formation Encounter for...
Warsaw, Poland. The Provincial of Poland, the Major Superior in charge of the Mission in the Ivory Coast, shared with...
Quezon City, Filipinas. ASCLA East Apostolate Meeting held at Claret Retreat House in Quezon City, Philippines from...
Manila, Philippines. June 20th marked the beginning of the Encounter of the Prefects of the Apostolate from...
Sevilla, España. From June 17-20 at the Provincial Curia of Bética, the key members of the Governments of the...
Buenos Aires. Argentina. From the 6th to the 7th of May a group of “biblical ministers” met in Florencio Varela –...
Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Ever since the elections on the 28th of November 2010 a series of conflicts has been escalating...
Rome. Thanks to the leadership of the General Government and the efforts of our confreres and associates of the US...
Bangalore, India. 'CARE Home' in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Kollegal and Rotary Inner Wheel organized a...
Talagante, Chile. 3rd-7th January, 2011, the "Claretian family" in Chile experienced a historic day holding the last...
The Church commemorates today Our Lady of Sorrows. To give atmosphere to the Morning Praise, Fr. Joseba Kamiruaga,...
India. CARE Home (Saint Thomas Province), conducted an awareness program on HIV/AIDS at a Tibetan settlement in...
Spain. Africa is giving us one more reason to talk about it. Not only because it is hosting 2010 FIFA World Cup but...
Lagos, Nigeria. The final stage of the ACLA encounter centred on the themes of apostolate and economy and animated by...
Spain. From Thursday, February 25 till Thursday, March 4, a committee of 12 Claretians, representing different places...
India. In the night of last October 25 the church of Basuregady (Andra Pradesh), attended by the Claretian...
Colombia. Last Monday, November 23, in the narrow road that leads from Granada to El Castillo, four armed men who...
Colombia. Again the Colombian press highlights the contribution of the Claretian Fr. Dario Echeverri in his role of...
Panama. From May 15 to 17, representatives of the Claretian Family gathered to reflect, in an atmosphere of communion...
Rome. In the afternoon of Wednesday, 22, the community of the General Curia dedicated a special time of prayer, a...
Philippines. The labour of the missionaries has fostered the apparition of schools, parishes, hospitals, and has...
Spain. All the students and professors together with quite a few families of the School, almost 1000 persons, gathered...
Germany. The work of the Missionary Childhood of Germany, called there Sternsinger, based in Aquisgrán (Aachen), with...
Spain. For four days the seventeen inscribed in the Kurkudi School of Free Time, organized by the Claretians in...
Rome. On December 18, a concert-meditation took place in the parish of the Basilica of the Heart of Mary, in Parioli....
Poland. From November 8 to 22 we, the Claretian Missionaries of the Polish Province, have had some special moments....
Switzerland. We start the day praying the Morning Praise together, led by the Italian Delegation. Throughout the whole...
Switzerland. On April 28 the meetings of the persons in charge of the ministry of emigrants in Europe opened with the...
Switzerland. We start the day with the Eucharist, animated by the Province of Betica. Pilar Samanes, Sister of Charity...
Switzerland. We start the day, like in previous days, with the Eucharist, animated this time by the Province of Euskal...
We are ok father. The situation has calmed down today being Saturday. In Shanzu itself there have not been much...
From a communication to Fr. General, we extract this information that expresses the situation our brothers are living...
India. On the 13th of December our Claretian brother Fr. Joy Sebastian, of the Delegation of Northeast India, was...