
Fundación Proclade calls on UN to empower women in the digital age

The Foundation calls on UN member states to allocate resources and take concrete steps to ensure gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in the digital age. Key concerns include lack of access to technology, the digital divide, gender discrimination and...

“Freely religious, religiously free” XXII Meeting of Juniors in Madrid

Madrid, Spain. One hundred and twenty-five religious gathered in Madrid during the first weekend of March for the XXII Juniors' Encounter organized by the Escuela Regina Apostolorum (ERA) under the motto "Freely Religious, Religiously Free". The participants,...

Initiating a Migrants Community: A Journey of Love and Support

In today's world, migration has become a common phenomenon, and people move from one place to another for various reasons like education, work, or better opportunities. However, the challenges that migrants face in a new place are often underestimated, and they may...

The Claretian Missionaries on International Women’s Day on March 8

The Congregation of the Claretian Missionaries recognizes the value and importance of women in society and the Church, and remains committed to promoting their full participation in social and religious life. We acknowledge The Congregation of Missionaries Sons of the...