
“Fidelity and Perseverance in Consecrated Life: A Gift and a Challenge,” ICL-Sanyasa

Bangalore, India.  Institute of Consecrated Life – Sanyasa (ICLS), expands its reach with regional seminars in India, engaging communities in theological reflection on fidelity and perseverance in consecrated life. Since its very beginnings, has organized annual...

International Volunteer Programme for the whole of America

On 13th April 2023, the Claretian Missionaries in America held a virtual event to promote their missionary volunteer program, connecting volunteers from different countries under the spirit of a "shared mission". The event showcased the experiences of young volunteers...

Claretian NGOs Work to Promote Social Awareness and Diversity

The Claretian Congregation has set a Dream for 2027 that includes the "transformation of the world according to God's plan." It relies on various initiatives, including two NGOs based in Spain offering digitally accessible programs for anyone: Fundación Proclade and...

ITVR of Madrid concludes 52nd National Week for Institutes of Religious Life

Madrid, Spain. The Institute of Religious Life (ITVR) of Madrid successfully organised the 52nd National Week for Institutes of Religious Life on April 12 to 15, 2023 featuring eleven educational conferences, dialogues, a round table discussion, a concert-prayer, and...