Fr. José Enrique, CMF, had the opportunity to speak with Father Angelo Cupini, a Claretian missionary who has...
No to all Violence Against Women
After celebrating the World Day of the Poor with the Universal Church, Claretian communities are preparing to join the...
InCLA Empowers Faithful with Project Management and Fundraising Expertise
Abuja, Nigeria. In a transformative initiative, the Institute of Consecrated Life in Africa (InCLA) organised a...
Pilgrimmage to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Charity of Cobre
La Maya, Cuba. The parish of the Immaculate Conception, which includes the municipalities of Songo La Maya and II...
Consecration of Holy Family Church in Krasnoyarsk
Krasnoyarsk, Russia. On June 17, 2012, the consecration of Holy Family Church in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia was celebrated....
Parish Attended by the Claretians Provides 800 Jobs
Valencia, Spain. The Parish of San Vicente Mártir of Valencia, run by the Claretian Missionaries of the Province of...
Claretian Centenary in Trieste
Trieste, Italy. In the afternoon of June 16th the community of Trieste celebrated the Solemnity of the Immaculate...
Claretian Educators: “Sowers of Hope”
La Plata, Argentina. Under the theme “Claretian Educators: Sowers of Hope” educators from the 10 schools of the...
The Archdiocese of Morelia is Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Morelia, México. Facing the difficult situation of violence and criminality which exists in this country, especially...
The CEFyT Affiliates with the Pontifical Lateran University
Córdoba, Argentina. The Congregation for Catholic Education has approved the Affiliation of the CEFyT (Centro de...
III Brazilian Congress of Claretian Educatiors
Batatais, Brazil. On June 7 - 9 the Third Brazilian Congress of Educators was held at the Claretian University Center...
“The World in a House”. Photographic Exhibit.
Lecco, Italy. From the 14 – 16th of June, the “House at the Well”, directed by the Claretians of Italy, will present a...
General Assembly May 2012 Province of St Thomas
Kuravilangad, Inde. From 29-30 May 2012 the members of the St. Thomas Province of the Claretians celebrated the...
The Future of Consecrated Life in the United Kingdom and Europe
Hayes, U.K. A two-day Conference on "The Future of Consecrated Life in the United Kingdom and Europe" was held in the...
Launching of the “Bible Clubs”
Karumathur, India. In the academic year, 2011-2012 the “Bible Club” was established at St. John’s School in Kochadai,...
Encounter of Religious and Lay Claretians in Euskal Herria
Salvatierra, Spain. A meeting was held In the morning of June 2nd of the Religious and Lay Claretians at our Community...
School for Altar Servers in Almendralejo
Almendralejo, Spain. Fr. Francisco González Izquierdo, CMF has begun a “School for Altar Servers” in the Church of the...
The ‘Jaime del Amo’ Major School Rewards the Work of Solidarity of Religious Sisters
Madrid, Spain. One of the problems that most concerns the European Church is the creation of avenues to impart the...
Families in Zamora Show their Bond with the Claretians
Zamora, Spain. For 110 years (1902) the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary have been established in the...
School of Vocation animators in Quito
Quito, Ecuador. From the 4 – 6th of May, at the headquarters of CER in Quito (Ecuador), the 4th module on vocation...
Claretian School of Vocational Animators
Bosa (Bogotá, Colombia). During the days of the 6th and 7th of May the second workshop of the Claretian School of...
PROCLADE YANAPAY Visits Projects in India
Bilbao, Spain. India is one of those places of greatest commitment to "Proclade Yanapay" (NGO promoted by the...
Religious Art Exposition at La Maya
La Maya, Cuba. This past April 16th , the community of La Maya celebrated an event without precedent: an exhibition of...
Encounter of Claretian Students from Iberia
Fatima, Portugal. On the 13th to the 15th of April, 2012, the Claretian Students of Iberia had their annual encounter,...
CMF’s at the United Nations NYC
New York, USA. The Congregation has held associate status as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) at the United...
Claretian Missions Day
Bilbao, Spain. The Pastoral Team of the Heart of Mary and St. Raphael’s celebrated the annual campaign for the...
St. Joseph Health Center
Kerwa, Kenya. The PROCLADe foundation of the Province of Santiago continues it work among the poorest people in the...
41st National Week of Religious Life
Madrid, Spain. The 10th of April marked the beginning of the XLI Week of Religious Life with the theme: Centrality of...
TV Interview with Claretian Anton M. Vilarrubias on the Coptic Church
Barcelona (Spain). On Monday evening, the 19th of March, during a live program on television channel ‘Barcelona TV’,...
“The Priest Who Educates Youth”
Rome. Father Angelo Cupini, CMF was the central character on the show “In His Image” on Italian Television Channel RAI...
The Claretian School of Aranda de Duero Receives Certificate of Distinction
Aranda de Duero, Spain. Two years ago in Spain there were more than twenty-six thousand non-university educational...
Reopening of the Basilica of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Chile
Santiago de Chile. In an emotional celebration presided by the archbishop of Santiago, Don Ricard Ezzati, and the...
“The Circularity of Communion”
Madrid, Spain. On March 9 – 11th the XII Encounter of Religious in their juniorate phase was held in Madrid, organized...
Second Celebrative Event of the Claretian Centenary in Trieste
Trieste, Italia. On the 29th of February, the “Veritas” Cultural Center of the Jesuits organized the second event of...
Workshop of Vocational Accompaniment for Religious
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. From the 25 – 27th of February, more than 140 Religious men and women, coming from...
50 Years Educating at the Service of the Gospel
Bahia Blanca, Argentina. This year Colegio Claret of Bahia Blanca celebrates the 50th anniversary of its foundation....
Missionary builds bridges, real and symbolic, for Bajaus
In 2007, Fr. Dennis Tamayo wrote a letter asking Henry Sy, the tycoon behind the SM malls, to consider the mats woven...
The People of Jafna peninsula in the open prison and the effect of its human misery
Sidney, Australia. Fr. Paramavalan Peter, a Claretian priest from recently created Sri-Lanka dependent delegation,...
Youth in the Service of Charity
Rome. A group of young people from the “Mameli School” in the Parioli neighborhood, coordinating with the youth...