Kikwit, DRC. The first edition of the CLARET WAY was organized from August 01 to 06, 2022 in Kikwit, in the province of Kwilu, to create a national network of young people who share the Claretian charism in their respective parishes. Apart from the young people of Saint Ignatius of Masamba/Kikwit, 6 Claretian parishes were represented with a membership of 29 young people: Saint Antoine-Marie Claret/Kinshasa, Saint Ignace/Kinshasa, Our Lady of Fatima/Kinshasa, Basantu banso, Saint Guardian Angels /Kinshasa.

The first conference was led by Father Frédéric MBEMBA, CMF on the theme: “The socio-ecclesial responsibility of young Catholics in the era of android culture“. The second conference: “The essentials of Querida Congregación: the model of young people that the Congregation wants”, was animated by Father Eden MUKE, CMF.
After the explanation about the Claret Way by Fr. Alain N’GOGA, CMF, and the work of the crossroads, we opened the cultural activities. All these activities ended with Sunday Mass.