Bridging Hearts and Minds: Word Conference 2023

Nov 30, 2023 | Biblical Ministry and Communication, Fr. Rhoel Gallardo

Quezon City, Philippines. The Word Conference (WordCon) 2023 took place on November 27, 2023, at the Claret School of Quezon City (CSQC) Auditorium. This event was organized by the Fr. Rhoel Gallardo Provincial Prefecture of Biblical Animation and Communication, and the Claretian Communications Foundations, Inc. (CCFI), in collaboration with CSQC. 

In its sixth year, the theme of the Word Conference 2023 was the WORD OF GOD: “A fountain of water in a dry land, springing up to eternal life.” (Jn 4:14). It hopes to start the dialogue and open more venues for conversation to understand further the importance of the recently concluded synod last October in the life of the faithful and the Church.

This year’s WordCon was a hybrid event attended by 232 participants: 156 onsite and another 76 joining online via Zoom. This hybrid setup was requested by those unable to participate onsite. Online participants came from as far as Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, the United Kingdom, and Bangladesh. Just like the onsite participants, they were able to interact with the Speakers during the Sala (Open Forum).

The conference began with a creative Bible Enthronement led by CCFI employees. It was followed by a warm welcome from Fr. Elias L. Ayuban, Jr., CMF, Provincial Superior of Fr. Rhoel Gallardo Province. Fr. Henry Omonisaye, CMF, General Consultor and Prefect of Bible Ministry and Communication also joined the conference online from Kenya and delivered an inspiring message to the organizers and participants of this year’s Word Conference.

The conference was equipped with renowned resource persons. The first talk, “Engaging the Synodal Path: Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God, and Renew a Steadfast Spirit Within Me.” (Ps 51:10-12), was presented by Fr. Rex F. Fortes, CM. The second speaker, Fr. Edilberto B. Cepe, CSsR, focused his presentation on “The Road to Emmaus (Luke 24: 17): Walking Together on the Road, The Way of Synodality.”  The third speaker, Sr. Maria Anicia Co, RVM, presented her talk on “The Synodal Church and the Gospels.” She explained why Scripture is at the heart of the Synodal journey.  And the last speaker, Fr. José Cristo Rey García Paredes, CMF, presented his talk on “Mary, Mother of the Church (John 19: 25-34), Journeying with Us in the Synodal Path.” 

Fr. Cristo Rey Garcia Paredes, CMF, presided over the closing Eucharistic celebration following the presentations.

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