Biblical Pastoral Ministry in Congo

Apr 29, 2018 | ACLA, Bible Ministry, Congo

Kinshasa, DR Congo. The new life that began in October 2017 in the Biblical Pastoral Ministry of the Delegation of Congo is taking root more and more. Since then, they already have a Coordination de la Pastorale Biblique (CPB) – Coordination of Biblical Pastoral Care – formed by Michel Mambulau, Joel Kongolo, Tryphon Bimbangu and Frederic Mbemba. This team works with a lot of goodwill and commitment.

The abovementioned team organized a Basic Bible Seminar in two of Congo’s parishes, namely St Paul of Kingandu and St Ignace of Kinshasa, from March 19th to 23rd, and from April 23rd to 27th, 2018. This seminar , which was attended by more than 70 people (lay people, religious and nuns), is a preliminary course (Conferences, Group Work, Individual Conversations, Penitential and Eucharistic Celebrations) on the Holy Scripture addressed to Christians of all levels. It aims to meet the needs of Christians who are thirsty for the Word of God.

In connection with our charism and the option taken by the Delegation for this triennium (2016-2019), they want to contribute to the building of living Basic Ecclesial Communities based on the Word of God. From this initial formation, they will move on to another stage, that of forming Biblical Animators called “Born To Evangelize” who will henceforth be their collaborators in the Biblical Animation of the ministries. It is envisioned that the said seminar will extend to all their parishes. It was felt at the closing Mass celebrated by its Major Superior, Fr. Joseph Mbungu, CMF, the joy of the participants who made the commitment to continue to study the word of God, to live according to this Word and to invite other members of the parishes to join them.


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