Madurai, India. Teachers and Administrators from the different educational centers in India and Sri Lanka gathered together from September 28 to October 1, 2018 at Pillar in Nagamalai, Madurai district, Tamilnadu, India for the ASCLA West Educators Congress with a theme “Claretian Education – Formation for Humanization.

The following are the resource persons during the Congress: Fr. Artur Teixeira, CMF, General Prefect of Apostolate who was at the same time doing his Canonical Visitation in Chennai, who talked on Claretian Education Today – A Global Perspective and Its Challenges ; Fr. Jesudoss, CMF, Provincial Superior of Chennai who prepared a topic on St. Claret – His Thrsut Towards Educational Mission and Ministry; Fr. Jacob Arakkal, CMF, Provincial Superior of Bangalore who discussed on the Claretian Education Today – An Indian Perspective & Its Challenges; Fr. Jose Thenpillil, CMF, Provincial Superior of St. Thomas Province who gave the Concluding Note; Dr. R. Kishore Kumar, Chairman of St. John’s Rajakumar Education and Research Trust in Chennai, who gave them a talk on Education Today – Where is Humanization, Why it is Needed, and How Can it be Actualized; Fr. Pulikal Josep, CMF, Prefect of Apostolate of Northeast India who developed a session on Adoption of the Humanity of Jesus by Today’s Educators; and Fr. John Kennedy, CMF, Provincial Econome of the Province of Chennai who spoke on Spirituality – An Inspirational Source for Claretian Education.

There were 12 participants from the Province of Chennai, 13 from the Dependent Delegation of Kolkatta, 12 from St. Thomas Province, 4 from the Northeast India Independent Delegation, 9 from the Province of Bangalore, and 1 from Sri Lanka.

Aside from the talks, Eucharistic celebrations, and creative prayers, they also went to visit some Claretian institutions in Karumathur and Madurai City.


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