We began our Saturday day thanking God for the new day. The brothers of the General Government animated the morning prayer that reminded us of Mary’s presence in our congregational community.
We discussed several topics this morning. The first was prompted by the question: “How can we promote the acceptance of Laudato Sí in the Congregation?” Pedro Belderrain, CMF, Consultor and General Prefect for the Apostolate, invited us to reflect on the importance of caring for our common home and to share initiatives that are being carried out in this regard.
A second topic that occupied our attention was the process initiated by the last General Chapter to change some specific aspects of our Constitutions. The General Government informed us that a commission has been created to carry out this process, which will culminate in the next General Chapter in 2027.
Then, Father General invited us to share the criteria that we have in the provincial communities at the time of organizing the vacation time of the missionaries; we recalled the agreements of the last General Chapter, and we exchanged on the importance of considering the particular situations.
Then, Carlos Sanchez, CMF, Consultor and Prefect of Spirituality and Community Life, invited us to make contributions in relation to the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the Congregation on July 16, 2024; he also raised the concern of holding a Congress of Spirituality that same year, requesting the opinion about the methodology and theme of such a congress.

In the afternoon, Manuel Tamargo, CMF, Consultor and General Econome, spoke to us about the Cultural Fund of the Congregation, its use and future perspectives. Finally, the message prepared by the respective commission was reviewed.
Thus, we arrived at the end of the meeting, we made the evaluation of the same and in general terms, it was very positive. There was occasion to thank those who collaborated to make it possible, especially the Delegation of St. Charles Lwanga, that has been an excellent host.
Father General addressed some final words to us, inviting us to take care of the roots so that the branches may flourish. Then we thanked God and placed the fruitfulness of our work in his hands by celebrating the Eucharist. We are grateful for the encounter and the closeness of the sisters and brothers who have accompanied us during these days, we place our missionary dreams in the Heart of Mary; woman, mother, and teacher.
Asanteni Sana!
Mario David Gutiérrez, CMF, chronicler of the day