Institutes for Consecrated Life

Institutes for Consecrated Life run by the Claretian Missionaries worldwide




Institute of Consecrated Life in Africa

InCLA is a unique Institute of Consecrated Life in Africa that offers specialization in Consecrated life. InCLA is preceded by several conferences locally organized by Claretians to raise awareness of this initiative: the first Conference was held at Abuja in November 2017, the second at Enugu in November 2018, while the third Conference was held at Lagos in November 2019. The Institute is affiliated to the Lateran Pontifical University, Rome.


Bwari Area Council, FCT, Abuja, Nigeria
Tel. +234 080 6475 8374




Theological Institute of Consecrated Life of America

The ITVCA – Theological Institute of Consecrated Life of America, is an institution of the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary – Claretian Missionaries, dependent on the Claretian Interprovincial Conference of America (MICLA) which, in harmony with the orientations of the Church and the congregational tradition, seeks to respond to the need for an interdisciplinary theological reflection on Consecrated Life, from a missionary perspective today, at the service of the pastoral, integral and academic formation of consecrated persons and other Missionary Disciples of the Church on pilgrimage in America.


Carrera 15 No. 10 – 41, Piso 5 de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C (Colombia)




Institute for Consecrated Life in Asia

ICLA is a center of higher studies in Theology and Pastoral Ministry incorporated into the Faculty of Sacred Theology of the University of Santo Tomas (UST) and St. Anthony Mary Claret College (SAMCC) as its Graduate Department.

It serves a multi-cultural student population (religious, lay leaders, ministers, and priests) from emergent churches, particularly in Asia.


526 Tandang Sora Avenue, Brgy. Culiat, Quezon City 1128 Philippines
Tel. +63-2-8932-0343


Sanyasa (ICL)

The Institute of Consecrated Life

The Institute is named Sanyasa because this word seems to be the closest equivalent of Consecrated life in the Indian traditions. But the Institute should not be misunderstood as an Ashram for those searching for a time of prayer, meditation and solitude. Contextualizing religious life in the Asian setting, Sanyasa offers an academic program for deepening the understanding of the consecrated form of life in the Church, especially in the light of the Scripture, Magisterium, tradition and various theological interpretations with the scope of reviving and empowering the consecrated persons.


Institute of Consecrated Life Sanyasa
Carmelaram Bangalore – 560035
Tel. +91 080 29519259
        +91 9964161332
        +91 8310857049 (Director)


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Theological Institute of Religious Life

The Theological Institute of Religious Life is a higher center of research and teaching, founded by the Claretian Missionaries in 1971. It is a section of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University of Salamanca (Madrid Campus). Since its foundation, it carries out a rigorous study on:
1) the biblical inspiration of consecrated life;
2) the history of its forms;
3) the theological-systematic nuclei of its mission and charismatic identity in the context of other forms of life and ministries in the Church; 4) the practical and existential aspects of consecrated life;
4) the practical and existential aspects that characterize it in this time of change and interrelation.

The Theological Institute accompanies the process of renewal and adaptation of consecrated life from the permanent reference to the ecclesiology of communion and mission, to interfaith, interreligious and intercultural dialogue and to the option for the poor and excluded. It offers an inclusive and catholic vision of reality, always attentive to the emerging challenges and the globality of consecrated life in different continents and contexts.


C/ Juan Álvarez Mendizábal, 65 dupdo.
28008 Madrid, SPAIN
Tel. 91 540 12 73
Whatsapp: 626 278 077

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Institute for the Theology of Consecrated Life

The Institute for the Theology of Consecrated Life “Claretianum” was erected and established by the Decree of the Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education dated June 6, 1971. It is incorporated into the Pontifical Lateran University as the Institute of Specialization in Theology of Consecrated Life.

It conducts its research in the field of Consecrated Life on biblical-theological bases, considering both the historical-cultural, psycho-sociological and juridical aspects, as well as the conditions in which the pastoral activity of the Church and of consecrated persons takes place.

It offers a curriculum for the attainment of the License and Doctorate in Theology of Consecrated Life. It also offers a two-year course for the Diploma and a one-year course. Each year it organizes a Conference for the in-depth study of a topic concerning Consecrated Life.


Largo Lorenzo Mossa, 4 – Roma, Italia
Tel. (0039) 06 98376722
         (0039) 06 98376723