Encourages the Conferences and Major Organisms to promote the options and projects of the Congregation.
In close collaboration with the Prefect of Biblical Ministry and Communications and the Prefect of Youth Ministry and Vocations, he promotes the apostolate of the Congregation.
Promotes commitment to universal fraternity, justice, peace and care for the common home, accompanying solidarity and mission teams.
Encourages the Congregation to continue to foster shared mission, ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, the revision of positions and missionary movement to the peripheries.
JPIC Secretariat
Coordinates issues related to justice, peace and the defense of the integrity of Creation.
Promotes programs aimed at intensifying the commitment of the members and works of the Congregation to the proposals of the Church (Laudato Sí, Fratelli tutti…).
Mission Procure
Encourages the missionary awareness of the Congregation and prayer for the missions.
It channels the search for funds and resources that allow missionary attention to the populations farthest from Christ or with fewer resources. In coordination with other entities, it encourages the involvement of other people in missionary volunteer work.
Stimulates the qualification of the coordinators of procures and teams of missionary attention of the Congregation.
Coordinates the day-to-day running of PROCLADE INTERNAZIONALE. It relates very actively with the procurements of the Organisms.
UN Team
Accredited PROCLADE INTERNAZIONALE with various UN institutions.
It promotes the enrichment of the information and projects of the UN by making the voice of the Congregation and those who share life with it reach almost 70 nations.
It tries to bring the resources and proposals of the UN closer to the Christian communities, always seeking justice, peace and the defense of the integrity of Creation.