May 21, 2021 | Antillas, Formation

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. From May 10 to 14, 2021, the St. Anthony Mary Claret Formation House celebrated the Claretian Week 2021, under the coordination of the Prefectures of Formation and Economy of the Delegation. This year the theme was “administering for the mission”, with the purpose of recalling the Claretian principles and criteria of economic-administrative management, learning to use our economic resources in relation to our evangelical values and the Claretian mission, presenting the economic journey of the Delegation of Antilles and, finally, opening spaces of listening and discernment that allow us to promote a culture of self-financing from the formative stage.

These days of formation and awareness were spent in a friendly and fraternal atmosphere, where the bursar of the Delegation, Fr. Jairo Antonio Pérez, helped to understand how the temporal goods of our Organism are administered, and how all that the Delegation possesses should be at the service of the mission, especially of the impoverished.

During the week we had several interventions: Fr. Manuel Tamargo CMF, General Econome, offered some words of exhortation to open the week; Bro. Manuel Pliego Iglesias, CMF and sister Lidia Alcantara, RMI shared their testimony on the vow of poverty. Likewise, the Claretian missionaries in formation Fenelus Luc Paul André and Jean Jubou shared some principles that govern the economy in general, especially the economy in religious communities as a means to support the mission, to take care of the patrimony of the Congregation and to be faithful to the missionary service. We understood that each member of the formation community is a vital part of the community, as well as participating passively and actively in the administration of the community’s goods.

To conclude the Claretian week of formation, the students have been aware of the economic reality of the Casa Formativa and the Delegation, especially the need to be a community that fosters a constant culture of self-financing. For this reason, we have committed ourselves to participate fully in the creation of the self-financing plan of our Major Organism. In this sense, we have shared ideas to take advantage of our community’s land by cultivating cocoa, reorganizing the rabbit hutches and raising other domestic animals. All this in order to help our community to generate more resources for the mission.

Por Fenelus Luc André, CMF


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